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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Yeah well its no good unless someone registers their fon
  2. What configuration change did you make to the fon specifically?
  3. Agreed. Hopefully this project will give it a bit more visibility. I wanted to do a segment on it last season but getting it working was a 1.5 bitches.
  4. Very nice! Can you give us some detail on your cabling? I can't tell that well from the pictures. I'm also curious what it weighs but I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I go to pick one up. We should start a battery page on the Jasager project wiki http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Jasager
  5. Just to let everyone know I've setup wiki space for the Jasager project at http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Jasager So far it only contains one guide, the basic Fon 2100 unlocking / Jasager install guide: http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Fon_Jasager_Install Feel free to edit it with your comments. A few guides I can see needing right off the bat would be a networking guide based on the discussion here and hardware guides.
  6. I've started moving some stuff to the Jasager wiki, feel free to create/edit the tutorials http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Fon_Jasager_Install http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Jasager
  7. I've gone ahead and moved the guide to the wiki. Please feel free to add your installation comments and edits there. The Jasager wiki page is a great place for future guides as well. http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Fon_Jasager_Install <---Unlocking the Fon 2100 and Installing Jasager Guide http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Jasager <--- Place for further Jasager tutorials, payloads, etc
  8. There are a lot of unanswered questions here. This plane crash, are there other passengers on board? What about the pilot and first officer? Are there flight attendants? What aircraft are we talking about? Airbus, Boeing, Douglas, Fokker, Lockheed? And think of the negative environmental affects of a plane crash here. Are we talking over land or sea? What country? Where is this flight originating and what would be its intended destination before crashing? Afaik you can't file a flight plan intended to crash. Also consider the economic affects. And what airline? I mean, look at Pan AM in 1991. There are a lot of unanswered questions here and there seems to be a lot of room for collateral damage. How about renaming the thread "Which celebrity would you like to die but not feel bad about wishing death upon" Oh, and I don't think Bush should die in a plane crash. I mean, Air Force One is a REALLY nice Boeing 747-200B and that's just a waste of good hardware.
  9. Ninja giving presentation on BIOS rootkits and possibly overheating / blowing up Toshiba or Sony laptop batteries The ninja used a text to speech reader to give the presentation. He also wasn't very happy when we proclaimed the superiority of Pirates at the reception after the con.
  10. First-Class mail from the US to the UK for a package that weighs 2.4 oz (68 grams) is $3.00. Anything other than letters require those little green custom forms to be filled out. Declare the value as $0.25 ;) Also I'm not sure how the plastic pineapple alone in its included plastic wrap is going to handle international shipping. You might want to wrap it up in a tight little ball using shipping tape, or alternatively use a box. Limitations on first-class shipping boxes is 24"x36" -- no issue there.
  11. What editor are you using? I did this based on a sketch in Inkscape, a surprisingly well built open source vector graphics editor.
  12. Well you at least got one thing right. Thanks for calling. Goodbye.
  13. IIRC the Karma page is password protected.
  14. No that's great it looks good. It's been so long since I used ICS (read: 1998) but this looks painless. I'll try it out and report back. I get the feeling we might need wiki space for tutorials soon.
  15. No, that's LandShark Lager. It's really yummy. I wish they would sponsor the show too.
  16. Can you further document how you setup ICS? I'm thinking of doing the same thing on my laptop, but instead of a second wifi card I'd like to use my verizon wireless card.
  17. Under what circumstances do you envision using your F*N on battery power? When I use the Fon as a Jasager I'm typically mobile (airports, coffee shops, hacker conferences). I like to keep the Fon pretty self contained so that I don't need cables going to it either for AC power or ethernet. What run-time (in minutes or hours), before having to re-charge or replace batteries, would you find acceptable for a battery solution? Just a few hours is fine really. Once my laptop battery goes so does all the fun anyway so 4-6 hours. Enough for a flight across the country. ;) If multiple options could be made available (providing different run-times), what additional run-times would you suggest? (i.e. a small pack for short durations, and a big pack for longer situations.) A small 4-6 hour battery pack would be great for day to day stuff but on a longer pentest it would be truly valuable to keep the Fon functioning for as long as possible. If a battery solution was rechargeable and didn't require replacing batteries, what is the maximum $ you would spend? If the battery is rechargeable it's a one time fee so I'd consider spending anywhere between $20-80 depending on run time. If it made the battery solution cheaper, would you be willing to modify your FON circuit board ? (Assume this requires only basic soldering skills.) Yes If it made the battery solution last longer (before recharging), would you be willing to modify your FON circuit board i? (Assume this requires only basic soldering skills.) Yes Given the lack of space (and HEAT) in the F*N 2100, there is not enough room to place most battery packs in the stock case. Would you prefer: 1. a "piggy-back" small box containing the battery pack, or 2. moving the F*N internals (circuit board & antenna) to a larger case which would allow the battery to be included in the same case? Either solution is fine but I'm partial to anything that fill fits inside the Standard Issue WiFi Pineapple Enclosure ™: I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. So far I've been mostly experimenting with "off the shelf" solutions. The four AA battery pack soldered onto my fon is about as advanced as I've gotten and even that solution only runs for 3-4 hours on good 2400mah rechargeable batteries.
  18. Just so I don't get any more PMs, I'm sending the pineapple to the first person to message me: Bitstream. So just as a fun experiment Bitstream, when you get the pineapple wanna take a picture and we'll compare before and after shipping?
  19. First of all, we're not pirates! Wait, on second thought we do fly the Jolly Roger... In all seriousness though Fon doesn't have to support Jasager any more than Apple has to support a jail broken phone or Linksys has to support a DD-WRT'd router. So lets clear some things up because obviously Fon's CTO hasn't seen the clear picture. Our intentions are not bad and we're not black hat hackers. There is nothing illegal about our "hacking activities with Foneras" There is no reason why Jordi couldn't post his comment as long as he signed up for a Hak5 forum account. Jasager is a very powerful tool for security auditors and as Digip has pointed out, without innovations like these we'll never have a safer network. We are in fact NOT a "group known for promoting illegal behaviors among hackers". I take offense to that.
  20. Ask and ye shall receive. Sorry they're not all cut out yet.
  21. Drop this file in the BT3/modules folder on your USB drive http://drop.io/BT3acer Cheers, Darren
  22. I purchased mine from Century Novelty. They've got pretty good rates if you buy in bulk. You can get 'em for as low as $1.20 each if you buy 144 or more of 'em. It would be pretty cheap to ship too, at least domestically in the united states. They come sealed in plastic wrap and weigh approximately 2.3 ounces (65 grams) so postage would be the standard $0.42 + $0.17 since its an odd shape. You wouldn't need a box or anything, just slap postage and a shipping label on the plastic wrap they come in. Trust me, the US post office will ship a bar of soap if its got postage and an address. Hell I've even heard of getting away without paying postage as long as you write FRANK on it, but that's another story. I digress. I've got a spare pineapple if anyone (in the United States) wants it. Just PM me an address, I'll eat the $0.59 ;) Oh yeah, and while we're on the topic, if there is interested I'm sure we could do Hak5 branded pineapples like mine. Check out some of these pics. Jasager inside a plastic pineapple. The straw hole fits the antenna perfectly. Fon board fits snugly inside Battery pack soldered for mobility. You can still use the AC power adapter as well, just turn off the battery pack. I normally use rechargables but they died at the airport so I had to settle for these alkalines. I would love to open a Hak5 Store and stock pre-built Jasager pineapples, Hak5 branded USB switchblades and other goodies but I'm not sure how much interest there would be even if the margins on an already expensive modified router would be worth it. Maybe if I could get wholesale Atheros based System on Chips cheap.
  23. Darren Kitchen


    Warsow LAN Party October 18th And be very afraid, I pwn in Q3-like games.
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