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Posts posted by abferm

  1. Hey guys to give you a rough idea of how big the tables need to be and how much storage is required, I would recommend downloading this rainbow table generator that has some nice benchmarking features. It tells how long it would take to generate a table, how big it will be and lots more of other information.

    The utility is called Winrtgen and can be downloaded from here, http://www.oxid.it/projects.html

    It shows me that for a length of 1-20 and all characters it would take only 1.23 days and only take up 610.35MB and a 0% success possibility. Am I doing something wrong?

    What is the status of the Hak5 community rainbow tables? Is there somewhere we could download those and are they compatible with ophcrack? Would they work for this?

  2. Hey where did you get MRI? I was under the impression that it had a time experation on the software and if it timed out it couldn't be used unless you got another copy from the geeksquad server. A friend of mine is geek squad he got me a copy once I loved it.

    I just got a copy, but haven't had time to try it out yet. Soldier X produces a cracked version that supposedly never expires, but like I said I haven't tried it yet.

  3. Setting up the website and a web server with massive amounts of storage is not a problem. The problem would be generating the rainbow tables, as we all know it takes lots of processing time to generate them.

    I was hoping the server would be able to do it, but maybe someone could set up something like the folding at home project where a bunch of computers do little parts of the work and report back to the server. I'd think this would work great if the whole Hak5 community helped out.

    I hadn't thought of data caps, would they affect everyone?

  4. My USB/eSATA HDD has a full install of BT5 x64. I also have one set up with Katana and one that I was using to test Chrome OS(which I will probably load with something else, Chrome OS sucks!).

    on my 32gb sandisk U3 i have..

    -katana with bt5 upgrade (and all the portable apps you get + like open office and daphne and stuff like that)


    -arduino, basic (the micro controller), C++, python, and java programers and what not

    -some of the the more common rainbow tables for WPA

    -about 2 gigs of music

    -the movie wrist cutters (BEST MOVIE EVER)

    -some school papers

    -a bunch of ISO's including the MRI crack

    -a resume (don't worry i keep my most important info blanked out)

    -some random guide i put together: a quick ubertooth set up, how to crack wep/wpa (oldish), some basic stuff like that just for reference)

    -SIW (look for it on Mubix's site, thats where i found it)


    -droid x roms and reference guides for flashing


    So, what is MRI crack. I have never heard of that one.

  5. Ophcrack is possibly one of the best tools out there for cracking Windows password hashes. The problem is that its effectiveness is limited to the tables you have, and most people don't have terabytes of space to dedicate to rainbow tables.

    Thus, I suggest some nice person sets up a web server with huge amounts of HDD space to build and host a set of tables that are as comprehensive as possible. Then people can map the server as a network drive and point ophcrack(or whatever rainbow table cracker they have) toward it for tables.

    I would do it myself, but I don't have the money or the public IP to do it.

  6. Modem-->Wrt300n-->Router

    This order would protect anything connected to the router from the rest of the computers plugged into your Wrt300n. Do you have DD-wrt configured as a router or a switch? Either way the order I show will accomplish your task, but your setup should have worked if it was configured as a router.

  7. Learn how you learned windows. Install it, try to figure it out, google for things you want to do. Suggest doing it in a virtual machine so if you screw up you can just reinstall or revert to a screenshot.

    Yes, google is your friend. Linux is very well documented and you should be able to learn most things quickly by just googleing your problem or what you want to do. Linux is great and you should be able to learn by doing. A live cd is a great option because you can't mess anything up. --help will tell you the syntax on most commands.

  8. The problem I see is that you have to expose the USB plug to take it off. They would see that and know it was more than a bracelet or watch. However those new full body scanners that I have seen are not x-ray and they probably wouldn't see through the metal and you could pass it off as a simple bracelet. I can't remember if they make you remove watches,etc.

  9. I found an old Dell laying around the PC repair shop I work in. It didn't have a HDD so I stuck one in and installed Ubuntu on it. Unfortunately the bios can't comprehend the size of the HDD(come on, its only 40GB). I found a bios update for it on the Dell website, but it requires Windows to install it. I found some solutions online, bu most of them make a DOS based disk. DOS wont run the update. I haven't tried a Bart disk yet, but if that doesn't work does anyone have any ideas?

  10. That would be cool, but I think it would be easier to do on an Android phone. Especially if you wanted to port the original Jasager software seeing as both open-wrt ant Android are Linux.

  11. depends on the card. Some cards will not do injection at all. some will with modified drivers; some with normal drivers.

    Yes, I was asking if BT automaticly installs and uses modified drivers for cards that need them.

  12. You could probably make it work if you have a couple extra NICs and crossover cable. Just put two extra NICs in your server and connect them with a crossover cable. You should be able to do that as long as you have at least one VM on each card and manually assign IPs just like you would with a switch. That would be the cheapest method for me seeing as I have several NICs and crossover cables laying around.

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