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Everything posted by ZaraByte

  1. @python2004 im using 2.0.4 runs fine for me just gotta be care with some of the infusions i've had a couple that caused a boot loop in the past not sure if they have been fixed since i made my threads or comments about that. I believe it was the Pineapplestatus that was giving me a boot loop in the past
  2. At the rate hes going hes better off doing an RMA if its still covered rather then wasting time because he won't be able to get it replaced if they even will replace stuff like that i read that they don't replace stuff that malfunctions on the hakshop so im confused...
  3. Uhhh I'd personally recommend that if you use linux that you use gparted to format the sd card as a FAT32 and then put the sd card back in. Should be plenty of videos online on how to format using gparted. You will need like a SD Card reader or a computer that has a SD reader so you can format it.
  4. Couple of them are not using a battery pack when this is happening it happens when the power source is connected to a wall outlet appears something happen when they upgraded to 2.0.4 that caused a brick something i thought was supposed to be able to be fixed easy by a factory reset from the recovery mode that is unique to the Mark V
  5. Yes, it sure does which is why it allows you to store some infusions to it. If im not mistaken it has 16 MB of internal storage.
  6. I never did come across a Serial Flashing guide on wifipineapple.com is their one that i missed cause without knowing the block address to send the firmware to i don't think many people will be able to figure it out. But flashing via serial should fix any firmware assumes he claims it was working fine before he flashed over the air to 2.0.4 sounds like it might have caused a hard brick i don't think its a power issue if it was working before the upgrade im confused as to why he isn't able to get his mark v working after re-flashing to factory.
  7. You're only supposed to put the dipswitch by the antenna down from to left to right Like this http://youtu.be/mZJS6llVslY?t=2m37s the rest of the dipswitches you leave alone and after the flashing is done you put the switch back up unplug and plug back in again.
  8. Does it finish the flashing saying it was successful?
  9. Yeah this is why i don't recommend ever doing a firmware upgrade over the air may work for some but i prefer to do it the long and safe way which is why i made that video doing it the way i do it. Personally i wish i could get that mark v off you just so i could play around with it but eh all you can do is request an RMA if you recently bought with i believe within 30 days you can have it replaced. Myself i'd rather try to fix it myself cause im always up for a challenge I don't know much about the Mark V but they claim that the Mark V is hard to hard brick due to their setup on it. I swear a factory reset should restore it.
  10. Their are many things that can cause this to happen did you happen to install any infusions ever on the mark v? Like Darren said could be a power issue are you using the adapter that came with the mark v? Are you able to boot into recovery mode like darren said? Question go's to all of you having this problem that posted. I've seen infusions cause this also a power issue can cause this.
  11. Very well possible you might have gotten your hands on a bad Mark V which is highly possible. All i can assume is either you managed to hard brick the Mark V or its just a defective mark v But you should be able to access the factory flash web interface to factory reset if you sure your doing it right. What kinda power source are you using for your mark v off hand you using the ac adapter that came with the mark v cause i've heard power issues can cause a boot loop.
  12. After you flash the Mark V the lights are supposed to flash in a row all you need to do is login to the pineapple at if the lights keep going out and and all coming on 1 at a time then going out again its possible you have a boot loop which could mean a bad flash also i highly recommend that you format the if you store infusions on the microsd card every time you upgrade the firmware reason for i've noticed that old files on the sd card can cause a boot loop.
  13. I'm not trying to waste your time but Shows how to fix a bricked Mark V i'd recommend you try my video on unbricking download the factory firmware and follow the video see if that helps i don't really believe you need the MicoSD card that comes with the Mark V im pretty sure all that's on it is the factory firmware you can download from the wifipineapple site Sounds like you might also have a problem with the MicroSD card you are using i believe the Micosd card can cause boot loops if not formatted correctly and using the format sd card in the pineapple is not a good ideal you might wanna use like gparted to format the microsd card as a fat 32
  14. Decided to do a video on setting up a simple VPN https://matthewhknight.com/how-to-setup-a-vpn/
  15. Go to like digital ocean or lowendbox grab a cheap VPS download openvpn Pick like Ubuntu Go to https://openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/download-openvpn-as-sw/113.html?osfamily=Ubuntu Pick the version of Ubuntu you picked for your VPS wget http://swupdate.openvpn.org/as/openvpn-as-2.0.10-Ubuntu14.i386.deb dpkg -i openvpn-as-2.0.10-Ubuntu14.i386.deb passwd openvpn [sET PASSWORD] http://youripaddressordomainname:943/admin Login with the username openvpn and whatever password you set for openvpn from there you can configure the settings.
  16. Shame I sold my Reaver Pro 2 possibly buy it when its cheaper then $75.00 i got mine as a review box but ended up selling mine for charity.
  17. Yeah myself i've never had any luck with giving my pineapple internet using my router at home i've always had to have the pineapple connect over wireless LOL. I have Windows 7 and have Internet File Sharing turned off on Windows so could be why when i get it figured all out i need to make a video for youtube on how to set that up. Just a heads up their is a typo i noticed on the wiki http://wiki.wifipineapple.com/index.php/Windows_ICS someone spelled "Windows" wrong they spelled it "Windwos"
  18. Uhhh what settings are you using with Dog Splash configuration cause everytime i test it when i click the sign it button it doesn't ask me to login takes me straight to the website i was trying to access before the splash. Also where are you placing the files are they in the same folder as the dog splash folder htdocs or did you like setup like /www/x/ and redirect.
  19. I have friends who tried but we didn't have any luck. I think its because the firmware memory block offsets are not the same on like a alfa network ap-121u due to the way that reaver systems gets their box made custom from a company called patton.com I tried using my ap-121u that i got from hak5 using the steps they have for firmware flashing over serial but had no luck. Had this problem ar7240> erase 0x9f050000 +0xf60000 Error: end address (0x9ffaffff) not in flash! Bad address format Steps Taken: setenv serverip; setenv ipaddr tftp 0xa0800000 openwrt-ar71xx-hornet16M-squashfs-sysupgrade-gold13Aug2013.bin erase 0x9f050000 +0xf60000 cp.b 0xa0800000 0x9f050000 0xf60000 Someone who messaged me on youtube managed to get someone ad reaver systems to give him them serial flashing steps he said they didn't work for him. Was giving a Error: end address (0x9ffaffff) not in flash! Bad address format when using erase 0x9f050000 +0xf60000 command From what i seen they totally rebuilt the Web Interface its no longer the green and black webui it looks alot more noob friendly also they added WEP cracking but nothing special was done to the main part of the product "WPS" people will still have problems with AP Rate Limiting and WPS locks they also recommend that same adapter hak5 is selling for the Mark V to extend range of attacks.
  20. Too lazy to check reaver systems whats new in the update anything special :D
  21. I use it for what its promoted as a honeypot drop box. Set it up in my house and see how many people who dirve on my street and pass by my house i like to see how many of their devices auto connect as they drive by if and when i ever go out normally during the winter time i take it out with me and see how many people will connect to it. You can preform wireless attacks thanks to infusions made by community members you can preform MITM attacks on people who connect to your pineapple like sniff logins, hook victims browsers with something like BeEF Frameworks, Track aircraft with a compatible SDR Dongle
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