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Everything posted by Deevd

  1. I suppose there is a range of IP adresses just for China...
  2. Hi I am belgian, so keyboard layout is verry different. Did you find a solution or not? Thx in advance
  3. what if there was a header file just for the vendor & product ID ? seperatly from the usb_private.h it would it possible to update Paul's code without having to change anything... But I suppose it is Paul to decide whether he does this or not...
  4. U can do it while on your multipass... put the .jpg or whatever on your USB and follow my steps...
  5. should use GIMP on Linux... i tried GIMP on Windows but that doesn't work. So you make a 640 by 480 image, put on it whatever you want, than you've got to change your image -> Mode There you choose Indexed, leave everything as it is, just change the number 255 to 14. Press Ok. Than you save the file as a .XPM ( should see it somewhere down the file-type list ) once it is saved as .XPM you have to gzip it . You'll get something like [yourimage].xpm.gz Include that in the root of your USB and then add in menu.lst splashimage=/[yourimage].xpm.gz
  6. As I suppose the Android phones don't have Atheros based chips, it won't work, or am I completely wrong?
  7. Hi, as I like to customize, I definitely had to customize the splashimage of my grub... Here is mine: Post yours and so we can comment each other's image's... Comment if you wan't. Deevd
  8. Starting my finals next week too :) I wish you good luck ! Post them when you have some time...
  9. Hi there, I have added AVG Rescue tool to my USB Multipass. Instructions: Download the AVG Rescue tool from http://www.avg.com/ie-en/avg-rescue-cd Extract it into a folder 'AVG' on your USB, than add following code to your menu.lst: # --- AVG Repair tool --- title AVG Repair tool kernel /AVG/vmlinuz rw vga=791 initrd=/AVG/initrd.lzm init=/AVG/linuxrc initrd /AVG/initrd.lzm # --- Hope you like it :) If you got some comments, let me know. Deevd
  10. Is that such a big difference? But anyways thanks allot Psychosis !!
  11. Is that such a big difference? EDIT: sorry for double posting... had a little bug...
  12. Hi jerico_tyler, I do understand what you would wan't to create. But I do have to say I don't really understand the CODE you posted up here... Could you maybe show some Example code? thx
  13. Nice one Sl45h3R, this helped me out.
  14. something like this could work too: http://www.instructables.com/id/Lego-USB-Stick/ and I was wondering if something like this would work: http://www.instructables.com/id/Hidden-USB-Storage/ As you could disguise it as a Lan testing tool... @Xqtftqx could you show a picture of you'r mod?
  15. Hi guys, I recently tried to make a USB MultiPass, everything worked just fine, except when I added the splashimage... Problem is I can use BT4's splashimage without a problem, but when I use my own it doesn't work. I downloaded GIMP and 7Zip, so i started to make the 640*400 image on gimp, change the colors to 14 and save it as .XPM then i archived the .XPM with 7Zip making a .XPM.GZ Can someone please help me out? Thx
  16. Thanks allot H4lo_Foo, this helped me allot to test everything out and find bugs in my menu.lst
  17. My name is David aka Deevd Favourite game: CS 1.6 Favourite OS: n/a Favourite console: Sega Megadrive 16bits Nationality: BE Accent: normal Sex: Male Age: n/a Race: Orc Height: 177cm (you'll have to covert it :D ) Status: "Learning" for my exams Build: Geeky... Favourite band: Deadmau5 Favourite book: I'v got a couple but no real #1 Favourite author: Does DEViANCE count? Favourite movie: Kick-Ass Favourite director: too many to list Favourite TV Show: Chuck Favourite actor: Johnny Depp Favourite actress: All the hot ones Favourite Pinup: Can't choose just one Favourite Comedian: Pablo Francisco Other hobbies: Photography, a lot on computer (not going to list it all) Car: n/a Occupation: Student / Computer freak Interests: Cell Phone Tapping , Hacking , Modding , Security , Programming If you got question's just ask ;)
  18. Does anyone has a pack of portable apps? Some of the apps you think are essential on your USB...
  19. Dude this is sick !! Really nice work... Edit: Ooh heck, didn't see further that this project was dead... it's a pity...
  20. yeah except there is no built-in wireless...
  21. Hi guys, Just learned about Hak5, great show !! I just watched a bunch of ur episodes, and was the Pineapple caught my attention. I would like to make one myself, when i got on the site of Fonera, I couldn't find out wich router I needed, So is it the Fonera 2.0G: https://shop.fon.com/FonShop/shop/BE/ShopCo...product=PRD-020 or the Fonera+: https://shop.fon.com/FonShop/shop/BE/ShopCo...product=PRD-018 I was supposing the 2.0G would be better as it has the USB allready built in. Thanks in advance. Greetz
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