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Posts posted by Duelus

  1. It had 3 eggs, onions, bacon, mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese, a bit of tomato, and parsley! Also pepper and salt was lightly sprinkled in. It turned out really good.



    I really don't know how to make it look good on a plate, but meh tasted good

  2. Hmm, I was watching a movie from netflix and it was at the beginning. Normally you would just see the FBI warning about piracy but this one had some little 30 second clilp saying stuff like "You wouldn't steal a car, so why would you steal a movie?" and it shows a clip of some girl going to a torrent site and downloading a movie, I noticed right off the browser was Firefox :shock: You think this is the RIAA saying FF is good. Or is illegal russian software that we shouldn't use?


  3. Would you get one of these newfangled UMPCs? I would defenately buy one if it was cable of running Linux (which I am sure it is going to be) or atleast Firefox.

  4. mmeh, It was ok, not really my thing with the video feeds. I would like to see some more hacks, such as the packetsniffing and so on. Also, I didn't see much if any screencaps of the programs you were showing off. It would be great to see another mod along with some more harrison stuff. But I loved the Tikibar tv skit :lol:

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