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Posts posted by Duelus

  1. social engineer them. I have got contless AIM passwords from creating an account along the lines of "AimErrorMessage14"... Well lemme tell the first whole story.

    Back in the day, there was a buddy icon that worked similarly to the WMF exploit in windows, you would open a window to chat with someone, type them a message and boom, (if they were using AOL software) there client would crash. When they logged back online I would immediatly message them from AimErrorMessag14 and say "AOL has just recovered from a crash, to fix this problem please type your username and password in two seprate I.M.'s" and of course, it always words :)

  2. Why don't you try learning PHP and MySQL? Thats a great start, or if you have an extra box, try installing a linux distro from scratch such as, Gentoo or ubuntu, and running a webserver off of that. Also you want try hacking XP, play with the retgistry and other things. Start off with simple stuff, such as trying to make it boot faster. If you want to get into hardware hacking, why not learn the art of soldering? Make sure you check out some books and programming, a great place to get them would be a local book store or the IRC channel #bookz on the undernet server. The best thing would probally be just to hang out with people who are knowledgeable. (#hak5 on irc.hak5.org)

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