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Posts posted by Duelus

  1. Darren: Yes you can change it to the classic windows style.

    So far I have already re-installed XP becuase I didn't like Vista. Its so Stupid when I click on an application it always asks "Are you sure you want to run this, Windows needs you permissions to run this application It could be dangerous" and so far there is no way to turn that off. I didn't like it. But we will see what the future has instore for us, possibly a decent version of Vista?

  2. Wow, My dreams... I dream normal stuff such as I'll run down the stairs to the kitchen to get a sandwich, as I normally do In real life I slip on the bottom of the stairs and slide becuase the floor is a wood one. But when this happens in my dreams I will move my body in my bed as if I were trying to regain balance w/o falling. This wakes me up everytime. Same thing happens when I dream about playing hockey or something, I end up moving just the way I would in reallife but in my bed while I'm dreaming :lol:

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