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Posts posted by Duelus

  1. dang it, I think this kid is from my school... he sees me read hak5 all the time and trys to hack, its kinda funny when he opens cmd prompt and types hack. :lol:

  2. Hello noobies! OMGzz so you want to learn to hack? Well first off don't post any questions that you already haven't researched in the "Ultimate Hacker's Tool-kit" which is:




    "I S34RCH3D TH0Z L1NKz U S3NT 2 M3 BUT ! ST!LL C@N7 H4xx0r MY FR!3NDz MySPACE"

    The sentence stated above, is a perfect example of how not to ask a question. Please, no caps, or 1337 speak. Its rude.

    What I'm getting at, is if you want to ask a question about hacking and not get flamed, or made fun of. Try to ask it in as best English as possible and only after doing proper research!

    Have fun!

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