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Posts posted by Destro

  1. Thanks for the help everyone, but i am still stuck. I downloaded darwin ports (macports). Updated it, but i can't find the config file that contains $OS line. Any help?



  2. Thanks for the help everyone, but i am still stuck. I downloaded darwin ports (macports). Updated it, but i can't find the config file that contains $OS line. Any help?



  3. Sorry about my post before, but i have cleared up everything. Except for godaddy.com if i make an account and use code hak1 will the domain be free for the dns. If not is there a free solution?



    p.s. sorry again about earlier post

  4. I am really getting confused. So i set up an account on dyndns. Made a host. Downloaded the updater and I am stuck. Any further help please.



  5. If this guy is starting to make you mad with what he is doing. Open a conversation with him, netstat him, nmap his ip, and from there is a good start. But, I doubt he is. Also what is the purpose of this guy telling you he has your ip. If he is intending on doing anything malicious then i suggest taking action. If he keeps talking to you try and see how could his computer skills are.



  6. Hey everyone! Today my new computer came in the mail. My mac! i have been playing around with it all day. I have been using nmap, metasploit, etc...But, i have been trying to get ettercap to work. I cd to the ettercap directory and type ./configure (just as the install directions say) and everything goes correctly until the next step. I type make (as it says) and i get no target specified. I have googled it and nothing has been right so far. Any help or pointers in the right direction would be great! Thanks for you time!



  7. Hey if i do understand your question right, then this guy used the netstat command in cmd. You can look them up on google, but what happens is: when you added him as a friend, there has to packets sent, so once you accepted him he ran the command netstat to show connections. This might be a way he is getting your IP. You can google netstat for more info. Good luck with this guy!



  8. That is exactly what I am thinking too, I didn't mean to offend anyone or post her leaked photos. I was just trying to express how I felt about the whole situation. The minute I saw his reaction (saw it on inside edition) i just wanted to....i dont know. Hes just into himself and wants the so called fame and glory of "hacking" into her myspace. I'm glad im not the only one that feels the same way about his character.

    Good to hear also rtc443. I completely understand how your are feeling. I also didn't mean to offend or cause any trouble by my post. It was just hard to express how I feel about the situation. Also i think this guy should be contacted about what he has done. I personally think it can only help.



  9. I can't believe this guy. I am sitting next to my little brother while reading this post and I told him that Miley Cyrus got her myspace hacked and the guy who did it was bragging about himself (he is only 8, but a work in progress and smart!) he asked me why people would do things like this. I didn't exactly know how to respond, but it ended up me and him watching Hackers Are People To. Later, I went on the website to see what this guy's deal was and all i saw was stuff about him. He is full of himself, inconsiderate, and has no respect to the community of people that actually don't use their skills maliciously, but try and clear that name up! Bottom line all I am saying that this guy is a rock on the road, don't let him role onto the rode and cause trouble, just let him be and ignore him!

    @dr0p- I read your post on using grammar earlier in this chat. I am no English major, but I hope this is ok lol.


    Destro and James

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