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Posts posted by Destro

  1. I just searched on google dos. The first thing that came up was how to do it. Everyone is being like this because stop being lazy and at least google it. Just saying how to do it with no effort is going to get you no where.



  2. I can see why you want to do this, because of captain crunch and all. But, now-a-days it is really worthless. When there is free wifi outside what is the point. If you want to do this for fun than be my guest! And I guess if you were trying to do this over a wireless phone you would need to find a same frequency and something that can pick frequencies up on you computer. Or just attach your phone to your computer via usb and tether your connection. Good luck with your project!



  3. Try using NULL. I tired to compile your program to help you, but I got a syntax error before string constant at this line: scanf("%s",&buffer);. Have you compiled this file yet? Hope this helps and good luck.



  4. I don't understand the point of this pilot. First of all, why 7th graders? Secondly, It is impossible to assign every assignment on their computers. So where does math come in?

    I think this is a bad idea for many reasons. One the kids will get distracted. Two why can't they just have access to a computer lab. Lastly, what does this possibly teach? Also if they have these many problems it is obvious that the computer won't last (loss in money) and they have probably wasted an amount of time trying to get the computer to work correctly than actual learning and using it to its full potential.



  5. Name: Jake a.k.a Destro

    Favourite OS: OSX and Linux

    Favourite console: 360

    Nationality: American (and lots of others)

    Accent: American

    Sex: Male

    Age: 14

    Race: A little bit of everything!

    Height: 5’11

    Status: Single

    Build: Lean

    Favourite band: Sum 41, Sublime, Modest Moust, and pretty much anything but country and classical!

    Other hobbies: Just going to leave it at- anything having to do with computers!

    Transportation: Walking, bus, and train

    Job: Working on it. Student as of now.

    Political Party: Not old enough to vote.

    Goals: Go into computer field (not exactly sure details yet) and hopefully one day be able to walk in the foot steps of Hak5.

  6. I have not been coding in python for long, but my friend has and I asked him about your question. He said that python is more of a command line language. The most gui you will get out of it is if compile it and stuff like that in programs like xcode. Well, good luck with your gui.



  7. Personally I would go wit BT3 and other things in that genre, but it really depends on what you are doing. If you don't know what you want to put in it, why don't you mod it and put stuff on the outside! It a fun and quick thing to do. Also whatever you put in it, always add some tunes. Everyone likes to listen to music! I love to listen and work. Well, good luck with it!



  8. DingleBerries has a good point. Google obviously does not give you bad answers because those are the most common links picked. Also the more specific you get the better results you get (just something to keep in mind). If your on osx I use xcode. It is an extremely easy gui and very scriptkiddie. If your more of a terminal guy. I am pretty sure you can do it through terminal, but it can be confusing (which is why I choose to use a program). Good luck with whatever your doing!



  9. I just watched this guy for the first time. I am still laughing now. He is hilarious. I like how he doesn't drag out certain parts of the game. Tells what needs to be told and bing bang boom it done and funny. Thanks for the show Shonen!



  10. pbjelly.jpg

    Where You At!

    And to the actual question. When I was out one night I saw a car the had some kind of sticker on it, but worst of all it had HACKER shown blatantly and incredibly noticeable. His license plate had to do with some form of hacker, but I forget. I think it is a complete ahole thing to do, especially to real hackers.



    p.s. Your brother has a very good selection of toys!

    p.s.s After seeing this post I had to go watch the video on youtube:

  11. Hey everyone! After looking through the march 09 desktop subject (which was awesome) I have decided to try and make my own desktop picture. At the moment I can not afford photoshop, but I was wondering if there is a similar program that is free. I have tried gimp, but would rather something more to the photoshop "feel". I am running OSX. Please feel free to post any advice or tips for photo editing and programs (if there are any)!



  12. Your welcome! I am glad to hear the project is moving along. Also I have a question for you about how you are going to use Nessus? For Nesss you would have to set up a custom scan policy. Would would you put in this custom policy? Also if you put everything it could take a long time=not as fast results as you would like.



  13. @Eviltechie- I read your post and I see people "debating" on which things are illegal and legal and other things, but I was wondering one thing Eviltechie. You asked this question, but have you learned anything from the opinions of people? If so what have you learned? That is the unique thing about Hak5. Everyone's opinions and knowledge comes together to form a great community of people that learn from each other. I have spent the past few days exploring this and learning. So, eviltechie if you should learn anything from your post it is that whatever you intend on doing with the information from people that you should not use it maliciously. All I ask is that you do not be one of the people that drive the real hackers away.

    please look at this definition http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefi...i212220,00.html

    I leave it to you to interpret the message



  14. This is a great idea! If you get your bosses permission I would take like 5 pictures from the website, enlarge them, and have them cycle through. So, every time someone reloads their page or goes to another website they will get another one. Just an idea. Great idea, hope to hear results!



  15. Dudes please read carefully what i wrote on first message and please consider this i am not a noob!

    He told me that he can get private ips via msn and he do not need direct connection, he can get ips from display pictures, then i added him addy in my buddy list and he typed my ip address in him first message!

    Maybe someone of you thinking about me that i am a liar but i swear about it.

    Also ipget plugin sometimes can do the same(it's a msn plus plugin) but not each time.

    First of all please do not call me dude. I do not appreciate it because that is why we have names. And secondly Sparda brings up a valid point. Unless this guy lives near you and can war drive you then it is useless and a waste of time to talk to him. Lastly, I am sorry if my earlier message made you think I thought of you as a noob. Also have you ever thought this guy has made his own program like ipget or maybe even edited ipget.



    p.s. If you are really getting frustrated with this guy, just use the netstat command. Go to http://www.ip-adress.com and track him down. If he is not remotely close to you then you have nothing to worry about! also how did this guy get your MSN and how does you or he know eachother?

  16. If I am understanding you right: So you have a website and your looking for a user friendly interface that can nmap or nessus scan their computers? If this is right, I went a head and checked out hackertarget.com and the scans. I did not do a free scan because I do not need to. But I can help you with your "problem."

    An example (if I am getting you right) is:

    This would be the bash script called from PHP



    C:\bash-2.03\bash.exe bashHTML.txt");



    And this would be the bash script generated:


    # our html code

    echo "<html>"

    echo "<head><title>BASH-HTML</title></head>"

    echo "<body>"

    echo "<h4>This page comes from Bash</h4>"

    echo "Hello Everybody!"

    echo "</body>"

    echo "</html>"

    This is just simple HTML that says (when executed):

    This page comes from bash

    Hello Everybody!

    Note:you have to save the php document as .php

    I got this little example from this website: http://www.devx.com/opensource/Article/40785/1954

    It is a good little started website!

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask!



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