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Posts posted by Destro

  1. I can do a little if you would like. I am not sure you can do this, but why not throw a zinger at the av. How bout we hex and encrpyt files, mix it up. I am not sure you can do this, but I remeber reading about it. Or maybe make multiple folders of payloads an a list of scripts that give runtimes etc...



  2. Thanks for all the replys again everyone.

    @messsy- I like your moms saying. And it is true that it is human nature to feel threatened, but I think it would be better to look over envy and learn.

    @digip- that was a great answer. It is a really good point that appearence goes along with age and judgement.

    I am sorry I can't make a worthy response to all these posts but I can't type as fast on my phone and time is short.

    One last thing before I go: have you ever been mistreated or looked down upon because of your age? Interpret that how you like!



  3. Age affects our perception whether we want it to or not. Same with sex, race etc. It can't be helped as it's human nature. The thing is to give that person the chance to show how they really are.

    Exactly. Great answer!I think people sometimes don't give people a chance to show who they are that's the problem. Maybe darren wouldn't have to lie of people overlooked his age and really looked at his talents.



  4. HAH! I ROFL'ed at all these comments.

    hey destro does it come in both spicy and origional recipe or does only japan get the spicey golden colored one?

    oh and for $15 dollars more you get the wii kfc Bucket accessory to manage all those drumstick nunchucks with

    LOL that's all included with the special edition. LOL.



  5. lmfao well knowing nintendo I am sure they would sting you a $100 bucks for the plastic bit bucket accessory much like they do with every other add on they dream up.

    But hey I am sure people would pay it, after all wii fit fucking sells like hot cakes! I never got wii fit, seriously as if fat people want scales, Nintendo would be better off making the nun-chuck controller look like KFC drum stick or some shit.

    Rofl. Could you imagine that. The wii 520 (nock off of xbox 360) now comes with the new and improved wii special addition kfc drumstick nunchuck which is now edible with no side effects.



  6. Thanks shoenen. That was a great response. Thank you.

    LOL it's good to hear your off the addiction of online games. I once had that.

    Yes the furoms here are amazing. I think the best part is how their is a bit of each thing. There's video tutorials, basic code, other topics, and best of all a strong community.



    p.s. Sorry I can't give a better put response the Internet is on and off again and it's takig me forever to write this!

  7. I looked at your signature. And I thought of admin. Maybe you could go into the internal things of being and admin. What you have to do. What tools. And probabaly best for you, I said you were student admin. So pick an advanced part of hardware or tools you use. And from there you can give a show and tell of it. Run the thing and be able to know inside and out. Because we all know the mean costuddent who asks you the complex question and get away with it! Good luck with it.



    p.s. Maybe modding or along those lines.

  8. First off thanks for everyone replying.

    @ethan your past part was like the wow commercial- Im Mr.T and I am a mowhawk warrior. I'm ethan hunt and i'm a hak5holic! Also that really cool that you have seen the furoms grow for so long. I I believe we are into the 5th season episode 5. So you been around 3 years. Has a lot changed. I have only watched a couple of the early episodes.

    @wire did you ever get around to making a hometown tech channel. It seems your the top tech guy of where you live because your winning things from banks. Was it a competition.



    P.s. Sorry I cant write a lot. I am on my phone.

  9. This is brilliant.

    When is it coming out on Wii and will it have waggle?!


    I laughed so hard when I read this. Think about the commercial for the game. Haha. Ever have a idiot in your class. I can help... Just buy bit bucket for the wii!

    Shoenen good to hear your feeling better and good job being productive. For the winner bucket you should maybe make a list of the worst to not as worst and put that on the back. But, still leave the first message it's really funny.



  10. Just singed up for quake live. It takes aw couple minutes. It is so much fun. I highly suggest everyone tries it. It is extremely detailed and fun.



  11. see if it works after a week or so. If it is bring it to a computer store and have the main parts looked at. Maybe something is burnt out you just don't know it. If it isn't copy the files you need to another computer or USB drive and send it in. If you really need it call the company it's under warrenty for and ask them how long it will take. You can base decision off of that.



  12. Thanks h3%5kr3w for the cheers. Also jfranklin (I checked out your website after the show u were on and it was very good) for the reply also.

    @h3%5kr3w I can't exactly relate to watching other shows because I am only 14, but I can see what you mean. How some shows start out great but then suck.

    @jfranklin I remeber watching your episode and you talking about the drive that made you learn php that night. I am pretty sure it took you 5 hours. Did you learn almost fluent now or have you not been playing with it as much?

    Thanks for all the replys everyone.



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