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Posts posted by foo

  1. That episode feed is the shit!

    How did you set that up?

    yep. makes my life easier ;)

    it's just an rss script that i run though conky -- just 'grep'ing & 'cut'ing out what is needed from that output

    my custom rss feeds are from tvrage.com. they let you setup your fav tv shows list & give you custom rss feeds for upcoming, past, & future shows

    side note: the "wtf are those shows on that list for" (i.e. ghost hunters, parenthood etc) are my wifes shows

  2. so who saw south park tonight making fun of jersey?

    heh. as soon as i heard what it was about, i went & downloaded it. gonna watch it on my lunch break today, and i hope they tore 'em a new one w/ cutdowns galore ... can't wait

  3. as soon as i have eclipse set up again im going to make a free app to do this :)

    right. not that i wouldn't, but if you're android phone isn't rooted, it's not an easy thing to accomplish. i wonder why it's like that? obviously, there's some functionality thats being "blocked" so to speak w/o full rights to the os *shrug*

  4. still can't believe how difficult it is to get a screenshot of your phones screen. yes, there are several methods(root or using desktop software or 1 app that you have to pay for), but you'd think with it being a Google made OS that it was be a pretty fucking simple task. that aside, love android ;)

  5. .... wtf is that all about ?

    In MS-DOS, several special "device files" were available to aid in performing certain tasks, such as clearing the screen or deleting extraneous output from a program. In order to maintain backwards-compatibility, all versions of Winders up to and including Winders Vista will refuse to allow youto create a file with these "reserved" device file names. The followingfile names are reserved: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM(all the wya to 9), & LPT1-9

    CON, incidentally, was a device file used to capture whatever was printed onscreen.

    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle ;)

  6. Try msg from the command prompt in windows.

    ex:msg username /SERVER:workstations-name "your message"

    ex:msg username /SERVER:ip-address "your message"

    This only works on the lan, and wont work across the internet.

    lol. reminds me of WinPopup msg days in win 9x on school computers :lol:

    • familyguy
    • american dad
    • simpsons
    • cleveland show
    • southpark
    • cops(just aired a new 800th episode, pretty good if you ask me)
    • anything on nat geo
    • " " history channel international
    • how it's made
    • three sheets
    • pawn stars
    • big bang theory
    • how i met your mother
  7. They are everywhere, I'm generally happy if there are only 75% idiots at my jobs. Generally, the 25% make up for everyone else.

    ya but nothing like what i deal with. i know the typical scenario with most "less than knowledgeable co-workers", but just trust me, my situation completely spanks any other scenario that you could even imagine :huh:

  8. ...I look forward to playing around on my OWN locks

    bullshit. you know you can't wait to try this on random locks you encounter from time to time ;)

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