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Everything posted by Kateweb

  1. if you try it film the mess that it will make.
  2. you know we could just make every new registration subject to aprovel to limit spam.
  3. Kateweb


    So it's like being Office certified hear in the States ?
  4. I think thats a lot more eloquent then I put it.
  5. Oh, that was intentional? In that case you might want to take another look at the page and perhaps roll back to the previous version... 8) No I wanted to say thank you for fixing my typos, I was haveing open office ishues, thanks, I also added Di hydrogen monoxide.
  6. Or.. in Pr0n with you :twisted: As for the talking to mush BS find a a chick who is in to the same stuff you are, girls can be fun I certinly have had fun with them, im by no means 1337 , but I am in to computer and electronics - i just like to have fun. I like Pr0n, I also like Ghastly, and distorted view. I am by no means a normal girl. Also , most girls who don't like Pr0n are ushaly rather uncomfertable with themselfs, me yes I am a little but I know I am not all was in the mood for some serious deep dicking , give a boy some pr0n and thay stop begiing for about an hour :roll: .
  7. Kateweb


    Ouch ! But then again you are right.
  8. Hay the only yhing that I want on the upcoming over commishelized holiday are socks preferbly toe socks, but i just nead socks. socks make me happy.
  9. Lame compared to my misspelled humor.
  10. you have a camra that big in a movie thater? But I think it's your good looks.
  11. Same hear but i have a studio, with piles of art suplies,and books- Sadly I realy have no exsucuse.
  12. I wish i owend a T.V. Now or at least a goos T.V. in out card....
  13. Hay thats not very nice. Pr0n is all well and good but is no substitute for actualy getting laid.
  14. I could not sleep and was in a fun mood http://www.hak5.org/wiki/HaXoR_Flakes what do you think ?
  15. that's disgusting!!! :) But it perfectly proves his point. I think it's amusing.
  16. Eaahhh, It's barbie pink , yuck in my opinion.
  17. i think the reason why he blocked it because it was all porn! :-) Yeah that and the inferred of me he thinks he can sell, what he dosen't know is I beet him to that :twisted:
  18. Cool thanks for posting I love Geocashing.
  19. Kateweb


    hear ware I live we have a ceter for youth and thay help with getting you away from abuse a other things , I rember wanting to go in to foster care but my dad had conections, any way tho the ceter rocked and helped me out a lot. i would hope thier is something like that for your mate.
  20. YES! GIMP is rather sweet for something free.
  21. This reminds me of when I was trying out Auditor. Any way you probly know what card will work go online and find a place that will ship to you, if you cant find one that will, PM me and you can have it sent to me and I will in turn send it off to you.
  22. Ethereal is handy, but like othes is will list every thing it pics up like on a wired network. Thats what snifers do shows you ever random packet you would have to filter out the ones you do/not want to see. I have also plaed with Kismet and for that it shows a lot of what is around you it's a linux tool so you can't use it on windows. All scaner do prety much the same thing show you whats flying thro the air.
  23. Yeah I know, thats whay I said you don't have to use it- mainly this is basd of a kid at school buging me that 3.1 is the one and only *cough* anyway I thought this could be a little bit of fun for someone.
  24. Win 3.1 will run on anything I'm told by someone I know and he also says that it will work with any device , so i ask him to get an iPod to work - he dosen't know how. Challenge 1 make an iPod work with Win3.1 no you don't have to use iTunes but you have to be able to sync it. Challenge 2 put 3.1 on an iPod your choice on how to get it to work. I will be giving my ushal cookies for best work as judged by the comunity.
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