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  1. dark_pyrro's post in Partial vs full handshake was marked as the answer   
    A full capture contains all EAPOL messages (M1->M4) along with a beacon frame, as the docs visualize
    Partial captures doesn't contain everything of the above, but can still be possible to crack. You will need at least M2, preferably along with M1 or M3.
    If you get a full capture, then use it. Otherwise, just try to crack it with what you got. Use the Hashcat format if you plan to use Hashcat (obviously).
    There are tons of info out there about how handshakes work and the Pineapple isn't unique in any way in that sense.
  2. dark_pyrro's post in BackPress command in a Payload for Android was marked as the answer   
    Perhaps try GUI + backspace
  3. dark_pyrro's post in Copy Apple keyboard ID problem was marked as the answer   
    Well, 12 is 12 and not 17, so nothing much to do about that really
    Space isn't possible to use according to the specs since it's not alphanumeric
  4. dark_pyrro's post in Lan Turtle and Cloud C2 was marked as the answer   
    Note that C2 isn't a command in itself. What Darren is doing in the video is pressing tab (twice probably) to make the system "reveal" what known commands that starts with "C2". In any case, the available C2 commands should be located in /usr/sbin and those are the same that is shown in the video at about 8:20. If the commands aren't there, you should probably check what firmware version the Turtle is running. I can't see any reason why the Turtle should be on anything else than a version that supports C2 (which should have been introduced from version 5), but check it anyway to be sure.
    The firmware version should be available in the top left corner of the Turtle text based UI/menu system, or by checking the file
  5. dark_pyrro's post in Cant connect to c2 was marked as the answer   
    If you have an ordinary USB storage device attached to your computer; how do you safely eject that storage device before you remove it from the computer? That's the way you unmount the Croc. The reason why you should do that is because it's not a good thing to have a storage device mounted to two different devices at the same time (in this case your computer that the Croc is attached to, and the Croc itself). This might lead to corruption if not doing things correct.
    Note though that unmounting the Croc from the computer does not involve physically removing the Croc from the Computer since you still need to be able to access the Croc. It just involves ejecting/unmounting the Croc from the OS, not removing it from the USB port.
  6. dark_pyrro's post in Setup Complete Hangs .... Forever was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like a parallel discussion on Discord. In that case it was the USB cable.
  7. dark_pyrro's post in Is it possible to go into the Jail Mode with the Packet Squirrel Mark II and leave the Mode was marked as the answer   
    Have you tried switching NETMODE in the payload?
  8. dark_pyrro's post in Two Shark Jacks, SSH Issues was marked as the answer   
    It's of course possible to change the IP range, it's just OpenWrt. Nothing I would recommend though since I prefer to keep things using the default settings.
    Removing the already existing stuff from known_hosts (or equivalent name depending on OS) isn't that annoying, I do it all the time when flipping between devices.
  9. dark_pyrro's post in Is there anyway you rerun the script/payload on sharkjack without turning it off and on again? was marked as the answer   
    OK, I put the code up on Codeberg, use it if it fits your needs. It can be trimmed down if not in need of any logging or such. As said, it's just something simple I put together and hasn't been used that much at all, so there is for sure room for improvement or tweaking.
  10. dark_pyrro's post in I dont know was marked as the answer   
    Difficult to say. It sounds like the boot loop the Bunny was affected by way back, but it's not possible to use the same procedure to try to get the Croc out of any loop (if it's really a boot loop). Could be that the firmware/update file is stuck on the udisk for some reason and therefore the Croc tries to update every single time it's booting up. A factory reset/recovery won't help, most likely, since the udisk is left untouched (at least the majority of it) after an update or factory reset, so any "garbage" firmware file will still be there. I'd suggest submitting a support ticket.
  11. dark_pyrro's post in What am I doing wrong? was marked as the answer   
    Not sure why you are using INJECT_MOD
  12. dark_pyrro's post in Brand new SJB (Sharkjack Battery) and nothing works was marked as the answer   
    Be more specific about what's not working
    Don't (or actually DON'T!!!) flash firmware variants that aren't supposed to be used with a specific product. The SJC firmware is for the SJC only.
    Why not just read the official documentation, then you would have gotten answers to some things that you seem to have issues with (however, still not fully clear what those issues are)
    See comment below on screenshot 2.
    Regarding the screenshots specifically:
    Screenshot 1; nothing strange here, it's what the "menu" looks like when executing that script, please be more specific about to which issue this is related
    Screenshot 2; still nothing strange, you have probably (or; you have) been running ssh against that IP address (probably sessions against the Shark before and after the firmware update) and you need to remove that entry in known_hosts to be able to run a ssh session against that IP again, it's just standard ssh behavior, nothing Shark related specifically, just basic "ssh knowledge"
    Screenshot 3; nothing strange here either when operating the battery based Shark, those commands are simply not available for the battery version (and some of those executed aren't even commands)
    In detail...
    HELP - not a SJB command
    UPDATE_PAYLOADS - not a SJB command
    from the official documentation
    "The UPDATE_PAYLOADS command was introduced with firmware 1.2.0 on the Shark Jack Cable and requires an internet connection."
    LIST - not a SJB command
    the official documentation has a typo here since it refers to the ACTIVATE command when making it clear that the LIST commands is for the SJC, but... anyway... it's not available on the SJB
    LIST_PAYLOADS is just an alias for the LIST command, so the same goes here as for the LIST command
    ACTIVATE and the alias ACTIVATE_PAYLOAD - not a SJB command
    from the official documentation
    "The ACTIVATE command was introduced with firmware 1.2.0 on the Shark Jack Cable"
    UPDATE_FIRMWARE - not a SJB command
    from the official documentation
    "Shark Jack Cable users may conveniently upgrade their device's firmware by running the UPDATE_FIRMWARE command"
    (and then the word "Shark Jack Cable" is mentioned in almost every step in the instruction, so it's quite obvious it's not for the SJB)
    The commands above, and the fact that they are "SJC only, can also be read here
    So... all in all... I can't see anything being wrong with your battery based Shark, it's exactly as it should be and according to the official documentation (if there isn't any other issues that can be more specifically described in order to troubleshoot it).
  13. dark_pyrro's post in Disable onboard leds from shell, any ideas? was marked as the answer   
    It depends on what you want to do, and how
    I think using uci is far easier if the settings are a part of what's within the "uci scope"
    To show not just the value, but the whole "uci path" as well, for a LED setting (using red LED as an example here):
    uci show system.led_red.trigger
    To show just the value itself:
    uci get system.led_red.trigger
    Set a value for a LED color:
    uci set system.led_red.trigger='default-on'
    uci commit system
    /etc/init.d/system restart
    Addressing green and blue is done in the same way:
    uci set system.led_green.trigger='off'
    uci set system.led_blue.trigger='off'
    Possible trigger settings should be:
        with extended options for netdev specifically:
        option mode 'tx rx'
        option dev 'eth0'
        option dev 'wlan0'
        option dev 'wlan0-1'
        option dev 'wlan0-2'
        option dev 'wlan0-3'
        option dev 'wlan1mon'
        option dev 'wlan2'
        option dev 'wlan3mon'
  14. dark_pyrro's post in Why does my rubber ducky just open windows 365 and then take me to my security options menu? was marked as the answer   
    In what way are you encoding your payload?
  15. dark_pyrro's post in AWS Lightsail VPS (Ubuntu) not able to wget or curl C2 stable version for setup was marked as the answer   
    Try using this URL instead
  16. dark_pyrro's post in connect pineapple straight to smartphone was marked as the answer   
    I guess you got your answers on Discord
  17. dark_pyrro's post in Q STRING command issue was marked as the answer   
  18. dark_pyrro's post in Bash Bunny Manager was marked as the answer   
    There might be inhouse plans since the new Mk2 Packet Squirrel comes with a web UI in the same design (more or less) as the WiFi Pineapple. Not sure if it will reach the Bunny though. The idea is good, but there's one "obstacle"; the Bunny doesn't naturally do networking. Arming mode is serial and storage and you have to craft a payload to get networking up and running and that also depends on the target OS (RNDIS or ECM). Most beginners are probably using Windows, so RNDIS would perhaps be the most common. Mac is however also a "beginner option" and that requires ECM (AUTO_ETHERNET can be used though). My guess is that if this is going to be the beginner friendly option there needs to be some changes to how the Bunny operates out of the box to make it really smooth. Networking support is key to get this working. Perhaps a new fw release with new option(s) to the config file where you can set "WEB_UI ENABLED" (or such). Another thing to consider developing some kind of support for is to get the Bunny online via ICS in the simplest way possible (and without making the "proxy machine" being internet-less in the process which happens in a lot of the cases).
  19. dark_pyrro's post in How do i download and install a specific module using the rest api ? was marked as the answer   
    Try "moduleName":"evilportal" instead of "name":"evilportal"
  20. dark_pyrro's post in Internet Tethering was marked as the answer   
    Just checked now. Using ICS is possible on the Croc. It uses the same settings as the Bunny (not that surprising), so if following the ICS guides for the Bunny, it should work for the Croc as well. I set ICS up on a Win11 box along with the Croc and it plays ball (of course disabling any WiFi connection/setup first to be sure the Croc actually use the usb0 interface to connect to the outside world).
  21. dark_pyrro's post in Packet Squirrel Mark II port speed? was marked as the answer   
    100 Mbps
  22. dark_pyrro's post in SharkJacks - netdiscover was marked as the answer   
    This should have been solved by parallel Discord discussions on the same subject
  23. dark_pyrro's post in Save to SD was marked as the answer   
  24. dark_pyrro's post in Need Help with my DuckyScript was marked as the answer   
    Try this (working for me, using another exe though, don't want to wait...)
    DELAY 3000 GUI r DELAY 250 STRINGLN powershell DELAY 5000 STRING Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v8.5.4/npp.8.5.4.Installer.x64.exe -OutFile npp.8.5.4.Installer.x64.exe; Start-Process .\npp.8.5.4.Installer.x64.exe -Wait DELAY 250 ENTER DELAY 10000 LEFTARROW DELAY 500 ENTER  
  25. dark_pyrro's post in Open ap broadcast interface was marked as the answer   
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