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Everything posted by dark_pyrro

  1. There might be inhouse plans since the new Mk2 Packet Squirrel comes with a web UI in the same design (more or less) as the WiFi Pineapple. Not sure if it will reach the Bunny though. The idea is good, but there's one "obstacle"; the Bunny doesn't naturally do networking. Arming mode is serial and storage and you have to craft a payload to get networking up and running and that also depends on the target OS (RNDIS or ECM). Most beginners are probably using Windows, so RNDIS would perhaps be the most common. Mac is however also a "beginner option" and that requires ECM (AUTO_ETHERNET can be used though). My guess is that if this is going to be the beginner friendly option there needs to be some changes to how the Bunny operates out of the box to make it really smooth. Networking support is key to get this working. Perhaps a new fw release with new option(s) to the config file where you can set "WEB_UI ENABLED" (or such). Another thing to consider developing some kind of support for is to get the Bunny online via ICS in the simplest way possible (and without making the "proxy machine" being internet-less in the process which happens in a lot of the cases).
  2. Don't create multiple users and post several times about the same thing.
  3. https://github.com/hak5/usbrubberducky-payloads/tree/master/payloads/examples/Exfiltration https://github.com/hak5/usbrubberducky-payloads/tree/master/payloads/library
  4. There is no support on the Mark IV, it's years ago it was officially supported.
  5. Probably depends on how things are implemented on that OS/distro/hardware and if they adhere to rules and regulations or not. The same thing goes with, for example, TX power. Possible to increase beyond allowed limits on some systems/hardware/OSes, others not.
  6. For the channels you mention, there shouldn't really be any difference between US and EU when it comes to regionally allowed channels. My guess is that it has more to do with DFS specifically rather than geographically related regulations. If a channel is a DFS channel, it will block injection attempts. It's "by design" and I think it would be problematic to sell a device that has gone through FCC "certification" that doesn't commit to WiFi standards. So, it doesn't matter if you're in the Netherlands or the US, if you try to inject stuff on a DFS enabled channel, it will reject the operation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels#5_GHz_(802.11a/h/n/ac/ax)
  7. If you want to report a bug, use the official support channel and submit a ticket.
  8. If you mean that the switch would run something else by just changing its position during runtime (i.e. starting on SW1 and then flipping it over to SW2) won't work from what I know when it comes to the bunny_framework
  9. ok, I read that you got the last brick of your extension in that discussion, but that was perhaps something else then
  10. Try this (working for me, using another exe though, don't want to wait...) DELAY 3000 GUI r DELAY 250 STRINGLN powershell DELAY 5000 STRING Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v8.5.4/npp.8.5.4.Installer.x64.exe -OutFile npp.8.5.4.Installer.x64.exe; Start-Process .\npp.8.5.4.Installer.x64.exe -Wait DELAY 250 ENTER DELAY 10000 LEFTARROW DELAY 500 ENTER
  11. It seems on Discord as if you got your answers
  12. Is it calling the function that is the issue, or the execution of the function itself? Snippets without the full context is not that optimal to try to help and troubleshoot.
  13. What happens if you use QUACK STRING <
  14. Is port 2022 open in any firewall that might be in place between the Pineapple and the C2 server (assuming that defaults are used)? Try to ssh into the Pineapple and run: wget <C2serverIP_or_domainname>:2022 it should create an index.html file with the content "SSH-2.0-Go" (need to Ctrl+C out of the wget "session") or simply use ssh (on port 2022), it won't login but should respond netcat is also possible to use
  15. I'd suggest trying to source information from the most natural places online (that has already been mentioned, such as official docs, but also the official forum and Discord server), not in a forum that has no relation to the Flipper.
  16. Not sure about your definition of "prepaid Android phone", but there's no relation to any mobile service provider when it comes to the use of the Plunder Bug. You need an Android phone that is rooted. But it's not 100% for sure that it's compatible just because it's rooted. If you don't already have a phone available, try to find a used one at a cheap price that is known to be possible to root. Study the rooting process before buying it so that you know that you have the knowledge needed to root it. USB-C isn't mandatory either. The post below provides an example of a device that is old as well as having a Micro USB port instead of USB-C. USB-C is probably preferred though since you don't have any need for an adapter. https://forums.hak5.org/topic/54245-plunder-bug-rooted-android-phone-usb-c/?do=findComment&comment=337838
  17. Did you try changing the files mentioned in this post? https://forums.hak5.org/topic/54816-evil-portal/
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