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Everything posted by dark_pyrro

  1. Just to avoid any confusion, you should unplug it 4 times in total. Any information regarding what you did with the Bunny before it entered this state might benefit the troubleshooting.
  2. "Flashing legacy or third-party firmware will render the device irrecoverable." (from the docs)
  3. Buy a new one. Flashing the 2nd gen Ducky voids warranty (as the very first page on the documentation site says) https://docs.hak5.org/hak5-usb-rubber-ducky/
  4. Documentation https://docs.hak5.org/packet-squirrel-mark-ii/payload-repository Links to https://github.com/hak5/packetsquirrel-payloads Where you can find https://github.com/hak5/packetsquirrel-payloads/blob/master/payloads/exfiltration/pcl_printer/payload
  5. Why did you flash it in the first place? You shouldn't EVER flash a 2nd gen USB Rubber Ducky. It's bricked.
  6. Attach the 5 GHz adapter to the Pineapple Make sure that PineAP is using wlan1 (configure that in the web UI) Make a copy of /etc/config/wireless (just as a backup) Edit /etc/config/wireless Remove any entries related to radio3 and wlan3 (most likely at the bottom of the file) You could leave them and change what's already there, but it will most likely end up in a mess if you don't know what you're doing Copy the sections covering radio0 and wlan0 (NOT! wlan0-1, wlan0-2, etc) at the top of the file and paste it in at the bottom Change the pasted section so that every occurrence of radio0 becomes radio3 Change the wifi-device section for the newly created radio3 so that; hwmode is set to 11a, channel is set to something relevant to 5 GHz and that the path is correct for the device, htmode can also be changed if desired Regarding the path, verify it by running ll /sys/class/net make sure any path that is copied starts from "platform" and doesn't include the trailing "/net/wlan3" In the newly pasted wifi-iface section, change wlan0 to wlan3, set a relevant ESSID and change the MAC address reboot the Pineapple or restart wireless/networking try to connect to the 5 GHz open AP from a device of choice iptables rules might be needed in order to access the Pineapple itself using the internet (if the Pineapple itself has internet access), should work without any firewall rules added (or change /etc/config/firewall)
  7. In what way did you extract/obtain the hives from the target device (detailed version)?
  8. "copy and paste"? Define that action. You can't just simply grab the clear text and paste it into a file named inject.bin, you need to compile/encode it.
  9. OK, so if you don't need to involve any built-in Pineapple functionality and only need a simple 5 GHz AP, then just set wlan1 as the recon interface and use the 5 GHz adapter to set up the 5 GHz AP in /etc/config/wireless
  10. I wouldn't say it's impossible. Setting up a 5 GHz adapter is for sure possible. The question is if you want it to still be useful to PineAP. I think the question is too wide and needs to be narrowed down. Do you want to use the MK7 AC adapter for recon (and such) and also broadcast an open 5 GHz AP with Pineapple features and functionality? Or, do you just want to set up a 5 GHz open AP (not linked to the already existing open AP of the Pineapple). There is a difference. To retain the Pineapple features, you will need to do some more in depth tweaking (and perhaps two 5 GHz adapters). To just add the adapter and broadcast an open 5 GHz AP will need less tweaking (and is less likely to break out-of-the-box functionality).
  11. Ask Ducky questions in the Ducky section of the forums.
  12. dark_pyrro


    Ask O.MG cable questions in the O.MG cable section of the forums
  13. Since it's not Bunny related, seek help on GitHub. Preferably also not using a forked repo if there is no relevant reason to do so. If you read the issues in the "original" GitHub repo for hershell, you'll find one that is corresponding pretty well with your scenario, and has a suggestion on how to solve it.
  14. You need to provide more details in order to troubleshoot it all. In what way is this related to the Bunny? Where (on what device) are you trying to run these commands? In what way did you prepare the Go environment? etc etc
  15. Make a copy of the database file and cat it, or open it with a hex editor or use Boltbrowser (or such). If you cat it, just grep for "license" and you will probably find it.
  16. You have to be more detailed about what you have tried since you have been given two options: 1) Use serial, but since you don't know what the serial interface is, then I can assume you haven't tried that option 2) Use Ethernet in some way; so, in what way did you try to access the Shark using Ethernet? Did you plug the Shark into a computer in arming mode, or did you craft a payload and attached it to a network offering the Shark a DHCP lease?
  17. The answer is most likely in your own post and How are you supposed to get an IP address using a serial connection? You can't! So, you need to stop trying to combine the two modes of connection and use either ssh via the Ethernet interface or serial connection via the serial interface.
  18. An alternative way of making it available is to download the ipk and install it. Perhaps not a reliable source, but seems possible to download at least. https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=motherboards/ms14/Firmware/Yun/Packages--v1.x/
  19. That feed infrastructure is most likely gone since long
  20. No dolphins on my farm sadly... Try some forum/chat/whatever dedicated to the Flipper instead
  21. did you submit a support ticket?
  22. You already reported this behavior using your duplicate user on the forums. In what way did you solve it at that point (since you tagged my answer as the solution)? In other words, you already had this issue before trying all that you've done in this thread.
  23. What happens when you try to factory reset?
  24. I wouldn't give up on it, it should work without issues if there isn't anything seriously wrong with the Croc itself for some reason
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