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Everything posted by dark_pyrro

  1. Based on the two quotes above; is the Bunny still working on Windows or does it show the same behavior on Windows as well? To my knowledge, there should be no issues using it with Kali, at least not from the use case described here.
  2. I might add that there are other issues with the Quickcreds module, but try the things above to sort out what might be the issue when it comes to the Micro SD card first.
  3. When you get the message An SD card is required to install this module. then exit the Turtle "text UI" to get to the terminal and run grep "/sd" /proc/mounts or mount | grep "/sd" Does it return a line that shows that (or "how" really) /sd is mounted on the system? I have no actual reason to question your choice of Micro SD card size since I have no idea what your plans and intentions are, but using a 1 TB card with the Turtle seems a bit overkill to me. Especially for Quickcreds. I would go for far less than that. The loot that Quickcreds generates (if successful) does not need that amount of storage at all. The only thing that will need additional storage is the "components" that is used by Quickcreds, but even those won't require that much storage (however, the onboard storage of the Turtle is limited so it for sure needs the extra extension that the Micro SD card can offer in order to get everything in place for execution).
  4. First of all; what have you already tried? It's just waste of time to suggest things that doesn't solve your problem. However..... you can try the following (if you already haven't): If having a Micro SD card with a config.txt that should work when it comes to WiFi, but still doesn't work, then..... Insert a blank Micro SD card into the Crab and boot it up Power off the Crab Edit the config.txt file and add the WiFi network config on the Micro SD card Boot the Crab again Are you using a PSK with special chars? If so, don't escape those chars as the docs say. It will not work. The escape char (\ = backslash) will be echoed into wpa_supplicant.conf which makes WiFi fail.
  5. Not exactly sure why you need to do that when you have a wired interface already connected to the VM, but I guess you don't want that (i.e. just powering the Pineapple from some power source and not connecting it using USB-C to the VM) but instead connect wirelessly from the VM to the Pineapple(?) In the case you want to connect using wireless, just add a physical WiFi adapter from the hypervisor to the VM and then connect the VM to one of the access points of the Pineapple. Either the open AP or the management AP.
  6. What fw version are you on? Are you sure it's the latest? I have no issues populating the modules list and lanturtle.com isn't gone. Firmwares prior to 6.1 and 6.2 had issues since using an incomplete URL, but the mentioned 6.1 and 6.2 shouldn't have any problems getting the modules list online.
  7. I guess you got your answers on Discord
  8. I don't think that it matters which AP you're connected to since the module adds iptables rules for the br-lan interface (which includes the management AP).
  9. No use looking for a specific model. Search for the chipset instead.
  10. There are no firmware updates for the Crab. The fw that came with the device is the latest available. You will need some home brew server setup to get streaming to work (i.e. not Cloud C2 based).
  11. that won't happen to my knowledge, either you do it using umount/mount or udisk unmount/udisk mount not sure though if you mean that the unmount/mount should be executed from the target or on the Bunny itself and, assuming you mean mount operations of the udisk (either internal nandf or Micro SD card if present)
  12. You have to elaborate on that. I have no idea what that means. Is it a question or something else?
  13. Some comments... Line 85 cd /root/sdisk/python3/Python3.9.1 will not work but throw back an error like "No such file or directory" it should be: cd /root/sdisk/python3/Python-3.9.16 to be successfully positioned in the relevant directory for further setup and configuration Then it's line 88 that is incorrect nano /Modules/Setup.dist it shouldn't refer to any Modules directory in the root of the Bunny file system but the Modules directory in the Python-3.9.16 directory, so, it should be either nano /root/sdisk/python3/Python-3.9.16/Modules/Setup.dist or nano ./Modules/Setup.dist (if being positioned in the correct directory and the file is named Setup.dist which it isn't on 3.9.16, so Setup should be used) Also, on more recent versions, I've been needing to tell Python to compile with Sqlite3 support in order to get Responder running without complaining, perhaps not valid for 3.9.16 though Automounting the Micro SD card in that way will most likely be in conflict if using ATTACKMODE STORAGE which will result in the Micro SD card being mounted to both the Bunny and the target at the same time. This may result in corrupt storage.
  14. Quite like my instruction on Codeberg on how to set it all up. Isn't OpenSSL 3.0.0 throwing back cert errors when building? It for sure does for me (hence using a newer version with not out of date certs included).
  15. When I can't find any answer in the documentation regarding how to use the API, I start a web browser and open the dev console in the browser and check what happens as I do the same thing using the web UI. The API params used will show. So, in this case I just added a module in the web UI and looked in the console at the same time and got the param used.
  16. Just checked now. Using ICS is possible on the Croc. It uses the same settings as the Bunny (not that surprising), so if following the ICS guides for the Bunny, it should work for the Croc as well. I set ICS up on a Win11 box along with the Croc and it plays ball (of course disabling any WiFi connection/setup first to be sure the Croc actually use the usb0 interface to connect to the outside world).
  17. I guess it depends on the scenario. If doing an "attack" you need to get the target to set up ICS for the Croc in some appropriate way. Not sure though if the Croc is at all set up and prepared out of the box for ICS like the Bunny is. They both share a lot in other areas, so it's possible though. Never tried it since the wireless support covers the needs I've had.
  18. What Shark Jack model is it? Battery or cable? What firmware is it on? 18.04 doesn't seem correct, it should be using 18.06 distfeeds. The snapshots aren't available anymore. It's not any official solution, but the 18.06.0 distfeed should be possible to use.
  19. And, also follow the documented command line argument order. Not that I can see that it really should matter, but since the docs explicitly says to enter the parameters/arguments in a specific order, it could be a good thing to follow what the docs say.
  20. Is the cert available for/on the Turtle?
  21. Yes, I would suggest creating a support ticket on that. You can refer to this thread to provide some background information in the ticket. It might be useful. https://hak5.customerdesk.io/
  22. OK, looks like the internal USB hub is fried on that Pineapple. If both MT7601 radios are gone and not showing up as USB devices (or phyX devices), it's most often a sure sign that the USB hub is borked. Regarding ssh, it should be the password you set, but if setup isn't successful (due to the problems you experience), it's probably not saved in the process.
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