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Everything posted by SWFu

  1. Errr... Install windows on it? You could probably pick up an OEM copy of Vista Ultimate cheaper than the savings she's made!
  2. AVG seems to run just fine. As a whole I'm quite impressed with Windows 7, which picked up all drivers in my XPS M1530 on a test partition apart from one which was the fingerprint reader (which I never use). I've also tried most USB WIFI adapters I have laying about here which were all picked up also.
  3. Also the Fon 2.0, I'm still waiting for mine to come!
  4. It's very easy to install.
  5. I've the 901 which I bought one of these for: http://www.oxfordtec.com/uk/MiniPCI-EXPRES...oduct_info.html Works great
  6. Save the word doc as filtered html and copy code over to the new file.
  7. Dude I understand all that, I think your work is great, don't get me wrong.
  8. This could mean leaving the fons places without having to physically be there with a laptop. If only we could send a filtered capture file remotelly to a web server, which should get around the limited space of the fon. All just an idea of cause.
  9. I've seen airbase-ng on BT3 used to acheive transparent browsing for the connected user, this would be great! I've not tested it yet but plan to have a look into it with BT3 this coming weekend. In this case it is used to attempt to steal the users wireless keys by tricking them into running reverse shell/wkviewer4, but you get the initial idea. http://forums.remote-exploit.org/showthread.php?t=18369
  10. Blackberry curve and a N82. I'm thinking of getting the HTC Touch Pro with my upgrade next month, I tried out the Blackberry Storm and wasn't impressed.
  11. Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit: 2 is another, it's based on Bactrack 2 though.
  12. SWFu


    Sure, just been reading his posts on that board, funny as hell! Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District http://student.eup.k12.mi.us/~ss14laure/
  13. SWFu


    Your childish ignorance is funny, so is google. http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?t...46828#pid246828 Phyrrus Account Closed Posts: 414 Joined: Sep 2008 h4x$: 446.00 RE: Level 1. ya, im new @ hacking.
  14. SWFu

    Hidden SSID

    MDK3 has a bruteforce option http://homepages.tu-darmstadt.de/~p_larbig/wlan/
  15. Multiple partitions on machines is the answer. I've Gaming rig: Vista x64, Backtrack 3 (looking forward to CUDA support in Aircrack-NG ;) ) Primary laptop: Vista, XP, Backtrack 3 Old laptop: Ubuntu, XP Eee PC: XP (HD), Backtrack 3 (SD) Server 1: Ubuntu, FreeBSD Server 2: Win 2003, Win 2008, Win2k Only machine I run one on is my main workstation I use for work which is XP. Acronis Disk Director is great for resizing/creating partitions without losing data if you already have a windows installed on a machine. You could also try out OS's with live cds and usb drives before commiting.
  16. 1) Try selecting VESA instead of the compiz version. (I'm sure I've seen this before on one of my machines) 2) You'll need a linux partition on the drive also to save the changes. http://blip.tv/file/594903/ It's all on the backtrack wiki/forum somewhere (in many forms).
  17. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu_moia-oVI ?
  18. Acronis Disk Director Suite works pretty well from windows.
  19. I really didn't think it was possible to change the length of the url easily! Hey, if i find time over the xmas hols I might rewrite the customizer, for remote or local iso, it's really not rocket sceince.
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