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Posts posted by Zimmer

  1. Here is a python version of sleep just convert to you OS enjoy! Also please comment on errors or features you want.


    import time
    import sys
    for i in sys.argv:
        if i == '-m':
        if i == '-min':
        if i == '-hour':
    if t=='hour':
    if t=='m':
    if t=='min':
        print 'An Unknown Error Ocurred. Press Enter to Exit'
        raw_input(' ')

  2. Ok the April First Conficker thing is a April Fool's joke see the link the people who made it must have had a sense of humor. See the link


    Ok the real link


    Ok fine at last the real link



    It has been uneventful unless the links I see about it are not really April Fools joke's hmmm...

  3. Paranoid? If your not a criminal, you have nothing to worry about. What reason would they have to come to your house in the first place? Law enforcment always had the right to search your hard drive if it was confiscated in some sort of crime or warrant search.

    If you really are that worried, start using TrueCrypt and protect your stuff you have in question.

    I have nothing to hide yet I still want my privacy and if this is passed I can see a slippery slope. Also to search your computer does the law enforcement agency need a warrant with this? Because can't they know seize your computer and search it with a warrant? Please correct me if I wrong.

  4. Computers

    This is all IMO, if you disagree state why please maybe my views will change, but please don't take it as fact.

    They can be used for good or evil



    Porn (something a kid should not be looking at) fir minors, after that you choose

    Fucking it up, just to fuck it up




    Accidentally fucking it up while learning something

    Bypassing Parental Controls (for learning (not school, but about computers)and playing helicopter game (best game ever IMO) not doing evil shit)

    Then again age=<2:

    kid prone to spill liquids on electronics

    electronics+liquids=not good

  5. Apple also didn't have to give me a second download.

    Also I contacted them through email so I don't know about them outsourcing

    Hey Linux support has been excellent and free!

  6. For the college and those who can't afford such maybe a government loan with a lower interest rate could be implemented, just like habitat for humanity building a house for people with low interest rates.

    To "Read Animal Farm":

    I have they needed a union, maybe the union we have now does not need to be abolished but rethought out so that the unions represent the workers only and not have a side agenda (maybe the workers able to vote on decisions).

  7. I agree Obama isn't what people hoped he will be, Or that he could even be. They made them self's believe he will save them when he can't. People will soon realize. He is defiantly a different type of president then others in the past (not because he's black) witch I think could be good for the country. This whole market problem the US is having could of never of happened if they had laws other country's did.

    "what people hoped he will be"

    Well if they hoped he would be then I have one question did they think their vote through or just go with their diluted hope? I believe this was a record turn out of votes but has America just become a country where the citizens are so follow others and the main stream media or do they question things for themselves and not except what others tell them?

    Its not about giving people handouts, its about building the infrastructure that allows people to have opertunitys to work themselves up from minimum wage jobs. For instance your teachers in your underfunded school were doing something right, so spend money on taking there ideas and teaching styles and propergating them to schools that are doing it wrong. You can be the most skilled, driven person there is, but without an enviroment to support this you will find it much harder to do anything with that talent. We celebrate the suceseses of poor people who work themselves out of poverty because its not the normal situation, for every person who makes it, lots more people won't. I'm not saying we should use blanket tax increases, what I am saying is that we need to have a smarter tax system that shares the burden between people fairly and stops people shirking their responsibility to their society. If your earning millions you can afford a higher tax rate than a middleclass family with decent average paying jobs, end of story. We need to invest in our future rather than short term profits, part of this is making people more responsible for their own choices, the other is providing the support for people who want to make their lives better by increasing there chances that the hard work will pay off.

    (note: I've been poor, I've lived in places where the power runs out and the lights turn off, i've had ice cold showers because there was no hot water and the food has run out on wenesday, but i've work my way out of that. All I want to do is make the basic standards better for everyone, and give people who want better more of a chance to get it.)

    Americans can get better than minimum wage. By working hard and not expecting the government to give them everything spoon fed, you got out of it.

    As I see it this is what it comes down to

    1. Government Tax Regulation (so they can't tax the shit out of you) and the regulation is not done by the government or someone who would benefit from higher taxes.

    2. Responsibility. AIG CEOs not getting 1 mil bonuses. Not buying five houses. Living within your means (better life go to college and work to get money).

    3. Education. Teachers who love teaching. Good teachers. I've noticed that those that can afford it send their kids to private school. Why? I think its because the teachers get payed less, their not there to get rich, their there to teach and they enjoy it.

    4. Special Interest Groups and Unions (could they be considered special interest group????) we once needed them but know they do more harm then good their corrupt. Unions are wealthy they aren't at the same level as the people they represent, there not for the true interest of those they represent but themselves (which may seem like the same thing).

    5. America use to be made up of the immigrants who were hard working and 'the outcasts' (religious persecuted, oppressed, etc) they worked to get ahead. But know we expect to much from the government and not from are selves. You can get out of poverty, you may have not been dealt a fair hand but America is still the land of opportunity and with minimum wage and saving (not blowing it all) you can go to college and get a better life (and job).


    it was that banks were over leveraging themselves with loans. People who should have been turned down for credit were given far more than could possibly afford to payback because for some reason banks belived they could make money out of nothing.

    IF they can't afford it they shouldn't get the loan either, so its both the banks fault (not rechecking them) and their fault (getting a loan they can't afford).

    On a side note.

    Look at US currency it says "one nation under God" and the Pledge of Allegiance but know America is going away from religion, now whether that could have something to do with it I don't know but its something to think about...

  8. Ok the rich can afford more but the rich also worked hard and saved up. They didn't buy a 15 story house WHEN they couldn't afford it. Then their is the other side of the government does need money but the government doesn't need so much if it tries to bail out AIG, when AIG took risks that they shouldn't have all that causes is higher taxes (for the bailout) AIG execs getting million dollar bonuses oh and what about the auto companies... well the UAW has golf courses that the auto workers can play on (http://www.blacklakegolf.com/) I thought that they were fighting for these poor auto workers, yet they have time to golf? Auto workers make $28 per hour (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/11/24/opinion/main4630103.shtml) Yet the minimum wage is The federal minimum wage is $6.55 per hour effective July 24, 2008 (http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/flsa/). For waiters its $2.13 an hour in direct wages (http://www.dol.gov/wb/faq26.htm), while they get tips it still points to the fact that auto workers are not so badly paid (their not rich either). America needs to learn to save money and live within their means. So in America their are rich and their are poor. So I don't know why the unions are need so much anymore. Unions used to be for child labor laws (now you have to be 16 to get a job on your own) and unreasonable work hours. America definetly does need some reform but it doesn't need Obama to be a Robin Hood if it wasn't an expected right for everyone in America to have a 5 bedroom house and 2 cars. 1 car and 3 bedrooms works.

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