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Posts posted by Zimmer

  1. um the schools I think it is more location then rampancy (though could be both).

    Also the minimum wage why not make it bigger (politicians don't care about business (unless they are the MPAA and RIAA)).

    Also please please use a Grapes of Wrath example for why minimum wage is good (so I can KILL IT)

  2. The Camera I WAS KIDDING

    Also if minimum wage would cure world poverty, why not make them 20$?

    ^OH and I didn't get it from Rush (he is more the look at me type')

    Found this funny (EFF and bundles of money ha!):


    Oh and parents, parents are good and to call all of them horrible because the news and shit cover the bad ones (they need something to get people to watch) degrades those who do do a good job

    Well the McD's comparison... is your job worth more than 2$ if not and you want more money GET A BETTER JOB!!!

  3. 555 was that suppose to be comedy, people have tried the Canadian System it is SHIT I have relatives who have relatives they HATE it oh and another great thing their they HATE the public schools expect the students to only speak french (No it is not Quebec) the relative has 4 kids she can't help them learn french (what the public school expects (for a parent to teach french when she doesn't know it)) and this is all because of Quebec (Quebec GO BACK TO FRANCE!!!!!!) and public stupidity. Do you know of anyone who lives in Canada their System is SHIT SHIT SHIT! They can't wait till the next election oh and the private sector that for a long time was gone is making it back but it is hard their are so many laws that revent them from doing business (and the people are willing to pay a TON (more than America) and some come here through Michigan(Go Blue!) it is like the reverse of the slave trade (they where going to Canada)). SO NEVER SAY the Canadian System is better its and insult to me.

    NEVER Say the Canadian System is good it is SHIT SHIT SHIT (have I made my point clear SHIT!).

    Oh they also force their radio stations to play X amount of Canadian Music (STUPID) (Thought of that because I am listening to Nickleback)

    Oh and for minimum wage it hurts poor people, the government has tried to pass high minimum wages (a California County did and it hurt poor people a ton (the wages went to 12 dollars)).

    So raise minimum wages it hurts business and poor people.




  4. Vako the whole privacy I was kidding :)

    Also profit there is a reason that the US produces a ton of new wonderful drugs because of profit and why do people want profit so they can feed themselves and their families.

    Oh and who voted for the last thing :)

    Oh and public option for health care boils down to others paying for you (it does through taxes)

    Also the youtube link the Mayo example the doctors are kicking themselves in the foot (the other place) because of their greed... so too bad for the doctors.

    Also the patients go somewhere else there is more than one hospital.



  5. Basically, the people who pull there kids out of school are complete muppets. This has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with stupid people.

    Um it does have stuff to do with politics seeing as the reason it that Obama is speech

    Also are we stating are opinions as fact now ;)

    And what I am sure you understand is the Messiah thing I was kidding. Also I am damn conservative in about everything also the value of human life is comparable to non, God created us and only he can kill us justifiably (of course stuff like just war etc ok back on topic). But they are a business also if they did not make a profit they wouldn't exist and then a LOT more people would die (better of two "evils", hey just like government).

    Also the privacy was a joke too but still cameras on every street (yes we have them to but they are private banks etc not all in one powerful group).

    Oh Am I seeing a less liberal side of Vako ;)

    Also I worry about Obama and not Bush is because of view point (though Bush and the wars not so much (though good did happen a dictator overthrown (and you can complain about are military and shoving are ideas down others but I would hope you can admit Iraq is better now.))) Basically I agreed with Bush more and therefore was not as paranoid about him (like you trust a friend more then a stranger I guess (though I wouldn't call either a friend (because I don't know them wall enough not because I think they are evil incarnate)))


    Also if they do view have a age or grade limit (so kindergärtners (How opera spelled it) who don't give a crap and would rather play with their blocks don't waste school time ;))


    America is not turning into the USSR, I work with a load of ex-soviets and believe me, Obama is not a socialist or a communist. He's still far more right wing than most European leaders, he's more right wing than Nixon ffs.

    Some believe that not me!

    Also the USSR was to make a point a show the evils of a government in control (though the maverick (McCain) would do better either just different )

    Oh and healthcare for all 555 you can get health care for yourself you just have to be willing to pay for your own stuff not have someone who has money (for whatever reason) pay your bills (unless willing)

    Vako I didn't feel like turning the healthcare debate into the global warming debate (take 5 tb on the forums servers) so you see I was doing a service to the community ;)

    He is more right wing then a lot of Europe but I still don't like how far left he is, oh and how's your privacy in the UK Vako :). Also the health care debate it hinged on drug prices, um bad news they cost that much to get that drug to be made and not potentially kill a ton of people because of lack of testing :)

    Also I'll include this for some more shock value (but true)... minimum Wages are bad for the POOR!!

    Also the setting in class with them yelling Bullshit was not what I was going after, though it would be funny, more like if the kid WANTS to learn more and lissen to a presidential speech go a head (I never did and well I start a ton of flame/political threads :))

    ---- The below I am joking and being sarcastic ----

    Drop let them watch it just let them say "Bullshit, Mother $(#%$%& Lier" and "He is the Messiah" (though would that be religion in a public school ;)) during it :)

    Oh and to make sure of this.... I AM NOT RACIST ;) ;)

  7. 555 see you AGREE with Obama so you would have no problem with it but what if a child's parent's didn't agree with him and wanted to see the speech too (As far as I know it is only in schools not on a general news station for all the view (please correct me if I am wrong :))). Also it isn't racism, for some it may be, but others they don't agree with him they think he is pulling this country into a new USSR (some people not necessarily me!).

    Also Vako unlike others before with Bush it is much more wide spread (I believe, correct me if I am wrong). Also it has been an issue sense it will only be kids (correct if wrong) and some people thinking he is going to try to turn kids to him (may seem silly but..) they are kids they have been taught to trust the president somewhat and the teachers may also prod the kids to believe him etc (again these are kids not adults and their parents won't be there right with their kids to point out what they believe is pure BS and lies).

    555 don't bring the healthcare debate into this, you are obviously entrench into your belief that a company (the goverment) that can take money and has no competition can run something good (just look at the VA a shitty system, oh and for regulation of drug prices in Canada guess what they don't make that many new drugs (most are made in the US by private companies) but if the price is controlled they can't set a price to recoup losses from (BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars lossed from other drugs that failed to be effective.)). Government control is never good look at the USSR government control and it was the shits!

  8. Heh nice plug my hole point was that was that I knew it did not have the 40 hour limit and so was wondering if it was the app that said like No 40 Hour Limit LOL and if it did NOT get that it would default to 40 hour limit but know that I know that info (that it is the flash I won't need this). This was so I could try and imitate the iPhone App and bypass the limit and flash but know I don't have to.

  9. Any chance anyone who has an iPhone and the pandora app for it and the know how to capture the traffic with wireshark (or tshark) could upload one.... this appreantly is not included in the 40 hour limit...

    How to:

    Basically you have to set up shared INTERNET on a computer


    Then fire up wireshark or tshark in promiscuous mode (important sense it needs to get the iphone traffic)

    Then use the pandora app and listen to a couple songs... stop wireshark or tshark and save pcap and upload (you can use mediafire.com)

    Then post mediafire.com link please... thank you :)

  10. Thanks guys oh and I did the restart battery thing, charge, discharge repeat repeat and windows says it is totally dead 0 percent and yet it keeps running... so I check the battery seating and still same thing I will continue with the charge discharge. :)

  11. Sparda about 2 years, 3 months away, and if it is fully charged it is running from ac usually downloading stuff, like podcasts and ripping dvds using vlc. ok thanks breakmyn I'll try that, and thank you Sparda :).

  12. Ok over the almost two years I have had this dell laptop it has been a PITA, but recently my BIOS error saying battery is unrecognized and can not charge... But yet it did charge and would last from 1 hour to 45 min. But then it suddenly went down to 8 minutes :( but still usable then the BIOS recognized the battery suddenly. But now windows would say it is charging but stay at 0 % ok so I unplug the computer it STILL RAN! so I shutdown and charged the computer, it charged but I then unplugged it and it said it was still ON AC POWER, it ran and was fine for 10 minutes then said low battery and I plug it back in... so what is going on... Oh and if you could get this from the following post I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND DELL :angry:

  13. Yay I can help... I have been working on RTMPE implmentation for python (to download video to watch offline (NO PIRACY))...

    All data from links below... no data from me is guranteed to be correct or wrong etc...

    First off RTMPE is encrypted using RC4, RTMPDUMP is able to read rtmpe streams, but my success has been nill. There use to be a app called Replay Media Catcher but due to pressure from Adobe they have droped RTMPE support.

    Ok here is goes...

    in RTMPE you send a request for a connection... you send a data including a Flash Player Key (Static) and Diffie Hellman Public Key. It then uses you Private Key (I believe) and the servers Public Key to estalish a secret key that is then used as the RC4 key that is used for encryption.

    Another thing adobe uses is SWF verification which is it takes a hash and uses it to provide extra 'security'.

    Technical Specs...




    Also any help is appreciated if anyone is willing to help me with a python implmetation of this. :)


    Hulu goes even farther by using a swf file to be run on an encrypted string that is used for the rtmpe url (so requires a program to run swf files (Adobe, gnash etc)) (XBMC has had problems with this (see hulu plugin chat in forums (both dev thread a old thread that is now locked)).

    Edit again... for anyone interested here is the python code (really ruff!!!!!!!)


    #Random Stuff not implmented VALUES IN __init__ are not cryptographically good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    import os
    class DHM(object):#DHM, Diffie Hellman Merkle
        def __init__(self):
            self.g = 2
            self.prv_key = int(os.urandom(16)) #128 bit prv_key... uses /dev/random (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//dev/random) or on Microsoft Windows is uses CryptGenRandom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CryptGenRandom)
            self.pub_key = int()
            self.s = int()#Secret Key between Alice and Bob
            DH_Numbers = [9583845938493831,#These are no cryptographically strong! yes I use them for my DH keys... 
            8489394839487203,#because this is a client.. 
            2394928504049491,#I DON'T care if the servers video can be easily decrypted
            self.p = DH_Numbers[random.randint(0,3)]
        def gen_public_key(self):
            self.pub_key = self.g**self.prv_key%self.p
            return self.pub_key
        def gen_shared_key(self):
            #Determines Shared Key
            self.s = self.A**self.b % self.p
            return self.s
        def SetP(self, p):
            self.p = p
        def SetG(self, g):
            self.g = g
        def SetPrv(self, prv_key):
            self.prv_key = prv_key
        def Pub_Prv(self):
            return self.pub_key, self.prv_key
        def get_p(self, bit_length):
    def DH_Shared(PRV_KEY, PUB_KEY)
        DH_S = DHM()
        DH_S.A = PUB_KEY
        DH_S.b = PRV_KEY
    def DHKeyGenerate(bit):
        if not bit == 128:
            print 'ONLY TAKES 128 bit now!!'
        DH__ = DHM()


    import sockets
    import struct
    import time
    import hmac
    import hashlib
    import DH
    def send_data(data):
        #set up later, used to send data
    def big_endian(integer):
        bytes = struct.pack('>i', integer)
        return bytes
    RTMP_SIG_SIZE = 1536
    SHA256DL = 32 #" SHA 256-byte Digest Length "
    RandomCrud ='\xf0\xee\xc2\x4a\x80\x68\xbe\xe8\x2e\x00\xd0\xd1\x02\x9e\x7e\x57\x6e\xec\x5d\x2d\x29\x80\x6f\xab\x93\xb8\xe6\x36\xcf\xeb\x31\xae'
    SWFVerifySig = '\x1\x1'
    GenuineFMSConst = "Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server 001" #" 36 bytes long "
    GenuineFPConst  = "Genuine Adobe Flash Player 001" #" 30 bytes long "
    GenuineFMSConstCrud = GenuineFMSConst + RandomCrud
    GenuineFPConstCrud = GenuineFPConst + RandomCrud
    clientsig = []
    def GetServerDHOffset(bytes):
        offset = bytes[0] + bytes[1] + bytes[2] + bytes[3]
        offset = modulo(offset,632)
        offset = offset + 8
        return offset
    def GetServerGenuineConstDigestOffset(bytes):
        offset = byte[0] + byte[1] + byte[2] + byte[3]
        offset = modulo(offset,728)
        offset = offset + 776
        return offset
    def GetClientDHOffset(bytes):
        offset = byte[0] + byte[1] + byte[2] + byte[3]
        offset = modulo(offset,632)
        offset = offset + 772
        return offset
    def GetClientGenuineConstDigestOffset(bytes):
        offset = byte[0] + byte[1] + byte[2] + byte[3]
        offset = modulo(offset,728)
        offset = offset + 12
        return offset
    def HMACsha256(msg_, key_):
        hmac_sha256 = hmac.new(key = key, msg = msg, digestmod = hashlib.sha256)
        return hmac_sha256.digest() #or should I use the hexdigest()???
    dhpkl = GetClientDHoffset(clientsig[1532:1536])
    DHPrivateKeyC, DHPublicKeyC = DHKeyGenerate(128) #" 128-bit "/
    clientsig[dhpkl:dhpkl+128] = DHPublicKeyC
    cdl = GetClientGenuineConstDigestOffset(clientsig[8:12])
    msg = clientsig[0:cdl] + clientsig[cdl+SHA256DL:RTMP_SIG_SIZE]#Had -1 but no need sense python is diffrent indices then the reverse engineering
    clientsig[cdl:cdl+SHA256DL] = HMACsha256(msg, GenuineFPConst)
    send(command + clientsig)
    recv(command + serversig)
    def MSSFMT1():
        sdl = GetClientGenuineConstDigestOffset(serversig[8:12])
        msg = serversig[0:sdl] + serversig[sdl+SHA256DL:RTMP_SIG_SIZE]
        Compare(serversig[sdl:sdl+SHA256DL-1], HMACsha256(msg, GenuineFMSConst))
        dhpkl = GetClientDHoffset(serversig[1532:1536])
        DHPublicKeyS = serversig[dhpkl:dhpkl+128]
    def MSSFMT2():
        sdl = GetServerGenuineConstDigestOffset(serversig[772:776])
        msg = serversig[0:sdl] + serversig[sdl+SHA256DL:RTMP_SIG_SIZE]
        Compare(serversig[sdl:sdl+SHA256DL], HMACsha256(msg, GenuineFMSConst))
        dhpkl = GetServerDHoffset(serversig[768:772])
        DHPublicKeyS = serversig[dhpkl:dhpkl+128]
    def ENCRYPTKEY():
        DHSharedSecret = DH_Shared(DHPrivateKeyC, DHPublicKeyS)


    import socket
    from time import time
    from time import sleep
    import sys
    class com(object):
        def __init__(self, host):
            self.host = host
            self.port = 1935
            self.address = (self.host , self.port)
            self.sock = None
        def send(self, command):
        def conn(self):
            self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
        def recv(self):
            data = self.__sock.recv(BUFSIZE)
            return data
    #url format rtmp://
    url = 'cp21927.edgefcs.net'
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect((url, 1935))

  14. Ok fine Vako the government won't euthanasia them directly but by not being able to cover everyone they will be a cause...

    So what get more insurance... ok so now instead of just private insurance... have forced government insurance AND private insurance... why not make it opt in insurance... because then it wouldn't work!

  15. Um Vako here is one everyone pays for everyone... now sure it would work in a utopia were everyone can afford it for everyone (so everyone got what they needed (the private insurance would work to though lol)).

    Ok lets say it is a nation of 10 people (to keep it simple)

    there are three families...

    Family 1

    Wife and Husband

    Child 1

    Child 2

    (4 people)

    Family 1's Grandparents (so 8 people (2 on each side))

    Ok and another Family

    Wife and Husband (10 people now)

    Ok each person over 18 pays taxes say 5$ a year

    so that is 8 people so a total of 40$ Now lets say there is some illnessess

    Both Grandpas have Cancer and there is an experimental treatment for 4$ each (so 8$)

    Now lets say the kids get sick and they use insurance for 4$ total

    ok so that is now 8$... now lets say the kids need azma medicine each month for 25 cents (so that is 6$ a year)

    So that is a total of 14$

    Now the Family 2... the wife has a disease and she get healed and everything (insurance pays 5$ for treatment and everything)

    But she is in pain from the treatment and so has to take Vicodin for 3 months (so lets say a total cost of 5$)

    So that is now 24$

    Now Grandma has a heartattack and her back gets hurt during moving to the hospital and so needs her back fixed and a pacemaker (so another say 10$)

    Now Family 1's Dad and Mom have bad allergies and need a medicine that is stronger than the norm and it costs (10$)

    NOW THE NUMBER are probably NOT TO SCALE BUT GO ALONG I don't want to have the place have 33 million people!

    Ok that is 44$

    So now there is a negative cost... who are they going to drop... the Old people they have had a good life... the kids they haven't done anything to put back into the society.... Well here we will offer euthanasia for the old people they they can die nicely.

    But they don't want to die... if they had private insurance they could pay for themselves and be fine... WAIT THEY CAN!! but now they have to pay insurance for everyone and themselves!! (instead of themselves)


    h3%5kr3w ok a cue system... but what if the person who has the same symptoms as a flue and the nurse does not take time to look at it more and see it is a deadly disease dies... she got to the hospital because she had a gut feeling it wasn't a flue because she just had one and got vaccinated etc... Death isn't good and yes it still happens but also think about it...


    Paying for all it nice... but abuse etc and if you pay a little for everyone who does it go to

    Pay for you it goes to you if you have... else to bad (which is not good either)

    So bother systems SUCK but one is a lot easier to sort out even if it isn't nice (also did you know if you go to the ER in the US... you get treated and if you can't pay... everyone else gets to... so you do get help)


    See, Digip highlights the biggest issue with US healthcare, while it does provide some of the best quality care on the planet it fails to address the issue of cost in a sensible fashion.

    Yes it provide you care... some of the best because if you want to get the care they give it to... then worry about bills... but in Canada the meds are cheap cheap cheap (well comparative) my Uncle would go over there to get his insulin because it was cheap BUT someone in Canada was paying for him!!!!! (BAD!!! Why should he pay for my uncle! (I still am happy my Uncle got cheap meds but still pay for yourself... it is the fairest method (not the spread the wealth nice method though... it is a cold and harsh method but IMO it is the best)))

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