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Stream Media from PC to xbox 360


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Tried everything generic, port forwarding, WM11, all legit software... PC see's the xbox, but xbox sees nothing...

Anyone have a fix or alternitive... i just want to watch my ripped movies and listen to my music from my pc when playing rainbow 6 vegas 2

tried, tversity, winamp remote... nothing

...help... :blink:

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Tried everything generic, port forwarding, WM11, all legit software... PC see's the xbox, but xbox sees nothing...

Anyone have a fix or alternitive... i just want to watch my ripped movies and listen to my music from my pc when playing rainbow 6 vegas 2

tried, tversity, winamp remote... nothing

...help... :blink:

try orb2.0


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WMP11 is best for it, and more software isnt going to help, its an issue with your network settings, if you are going from PC - Xbox, make sure you are using a Static IP address on both the Xbox and PC.

If you are going from PC - Switch - Xbox, make sure that the Xbox is getting an IP address.

Also just as a test, disconnect the internet, and turn off you firewall and try again, i know that Kaspersky stopped me for a lil while.

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okay ill try it out, i have symantec enterprise on it, im planning a rebuild in the future anyhow so ill be sure to try it without the anti-virus, i have a feeling that is the culprit...

thanks for all the help guys... much appreciated!!

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