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displaying a picture (jpg or bmp) fullscreen without borders


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I want to write a little piece of code (C# or C++, or scripts, no matter) that will display a .jpg or .bmp image on the screen full-size with no borders. Does anyone know how i would go about doing this? It's more than simply opening the picture, because if i do that, a program will be used to display it, and i will see the application's toolbars and such. i want JUST the picture.

i was looking at the MSDN, and i found a method called SystemParametersInfoFunction (using SPI_SETDESKTOPBACKGROUND as a param), so this is an option... making the BMP the desktop.... but i'm still wondering if there is a way to display the bmp Maximized w/out borders

thanks in advance.

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Drag it into your web browser and hit F11 to view full screen (Works on most browsers, like Opera and Internet Explorer, although I don't use FF, it may work there too), no borders, and you don't even have to write anything to do this.

I especially like Opera for this mainly because it hides the overflow, so you don't see the scroll bars when in full screen mode, and you can just use the center mouse button to scroll around the images.

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thanks, sparda, but i didnt mention that i want to make a portable app that does this, so GIMP is a too large for my application.

Drag it into your web growser and hit F11 to view full screen (Works on most browsers, like Opera and Internet Explorer, although I don't use FF, it may work there too), no borders, and you don't even have to write anything to do this.

I especially like Opera for this mainly because it hides the overflow, so you don't see the scroll bars when in full screen mode, and you can just use the center mouse button to scroll around the images.

i tried this, but something wasn't right... it was maximized, but it didn't fill the whole screen. Opera left a blank bar at the top of my screen so the .bmp didn't fill my entire screen.

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wow, sometimes the solution is so obvious that you don't even think about it.

here's what i did.

made a C# windows form w/ no borders. set the form to maximize, put a picturebox on the form, and put my picture in the picturebox. i feel stupid now lol

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