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Small company (Need help)


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Ok well as part of my community service for messing with school computers I had to help a small buisness. Well since he noted my experince with computers (he being the owner of the buisness) he wanted me to see if I could write a program to verify Credit cards. Problem being I just started learning C++ so no real experince writing programs. in my head I thought TO GOOGLE! so I went and found a program and I wanted to ask you guys if it seemed real and not a scam to steal credit card numbers. Creditable I think is the word.

First link I came across:


Second (Download) Link:


So any help would be appreciated, plus for a community service this is pretty sweet the guy is kick ass too.

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Well even if those programs are credible, what are you going to do with them? I think you were asked to write a program yourself, so the first thing you should do is figure out what a valid credit card number is. Here are some links that might help.




So figure out what it is, then once you're ready to start programming post back here and I'm sure someone will help you get started. You may as well take this opportunity to learn a thing or two, instead of googling for already written program.

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all that the magnetic strip really says is the info that is printed on the card...and there is a reason card readers have to access the internet...you would have to find where they are accessing to get the info, how to get the info from there, and weather its even legal to access the info without some type of license...

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Call me crazy, but this story sounds a bit too fishy. It seems to me, hes looking for a way, simply, to get credit card numbers. if that is the case. Google the term "DarkCoding" and click on your first or second link. That ell give you almost 100 Credit card number. But no CCV numbers. And if your telling the truth, and he wants you to "Create" some program. Better start Learning them Algorithyms(spelling?). Because thats how all credit cards are verified.

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Oh all I need to know is how to verify, not gather.

Write a script that can preform the algorithm. Google it, thats all that needs to be done. I dont know how the CCV number works. Because that is Card specific. IT may take a bit more searching to get the proper answer.

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if yoiur just checking to see if the numbers are the right lenght and such, it would be EXTREMELY simple in VB.NET, but if your talking checking some server somewhere for a valid number, then that's a whole different story

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yea to verify that the card is valid you must access something, companies may have algorithms that specify the numbers they use but to verify weather it is an active number the atm thing has to dial into something to get the info. if you work in a small buisness you will notice their card readers often have their own phone line.

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yea to verify that the card is valid you must access something, companies may have algorithms that specify the numbers they use but to verify weather it is an active number the atm thing has to dial into something to get the info. if you work in a small buisness you will notice their card readers often have their own phone line.

And I wouldn't be surprised if your program needs to be validated against their servers as well as audited to make sure you're not doing something shady like backing up the valid numbers.

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The office that i work in has a credit card reader and it has it's own phoneline, so if you knew the protocols and such that the company uses to accept credit cards and such, then you could possibly write a program, but i'm sure custom socket programming for credit cards is a bit over most people's heads

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Is this allowed on the forum?!

From the site:

Feedback forces me to clarify this: These are NOT valid credit card numbers. You can't buy anything with these. They are random numbers that happen to conform to the MOD 10 algorithm. They are a technical resource for programmers - that's all.

So yeah, nothing to worry about.

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So I've been wondering, the guy owns a small restraunt that has a record of credit cards in which his method so far is quite stupid I think I'll give a layout.

They take down the credit card number type it into a .txt document and next to it has all the info and amount. At the end of the night he enters the numbers into some internet site. This makes him really open to credit card fraud which I find innsuffecient so I really wonder if their is a program in which he can just enter numbers and have them verified instantly than have the money pulled out later to a paypal or something? It is a small restraunt with wi-fi the main reason also I think its a flawed system if anyone cracked the credit card numbers he would be introuble :( and he is a really nice guy. So yea give me any ideas and I will try them out.

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