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Edonkey hash and privacy


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Hi Guys,

I really like the show and I have a question for you.

As you see from the title my question is about edonkey/emule files and privacy.

Some years ago one of my friends with her boyfriend toke some picture of herself that was not aimed to be in the internet.

You can already understand where I'm going. . . The clever boyfriend show to his friends and the photo somehow was put in the edonkey network. . The big problem is that the photo , in the filename, has NAME SURNAME CITY of my friend.  She reported to the police but they couldn't/didn'twant to help her out. Is not a big deal but some times ago she started to get strange phone call, letters etc.

My question is very simple,

-I know that is impossible to recover the photo for the one that has already downloaded.

-It's very hard to change the filename of the file.

One thing that come in my mind is. If I made a file with the same dimension, hash, etc but complitelly black I can stop "new" downloader(maniacs) to see it. Is it right? The big music company sometimes corrupt the mp3 sometimes so why not?


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File hashes are unique to the contents of a file. As far as I know, you cant make a two different files with the same hash without some major skills that can do collision detection first to generate the hashes based on the inputs to the algorithm's conversion. What that means is that two seperate files should never have the same hash. The chances of this happening is only by chance if the algorithm used has some sort of weakness, like an MD5 hash that can be derived from two different words to create the same password hash.

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_collision) I highly doubt you or anyone else will be able to forge this hash unless there is some underlying weakness in the eDonkey networks software.

Two things I would do are change my phone number and contact a lawyer. Anyone that uses your picture without your consent, especially in the event of sexual exploitation, should be sued for damages. You would only have to prove some sort of damages as a result of the picture upload, such as harassment, emotional pain and suffering, etc.

About the MPAA, they put out fake files, not based on hashes, but just based on flooding the networks with fake files in general. The hashes only verifies it is the same file that was originally put on the network when you download it. It does not know if a file is fake, or weather it contains a virus, etc., but the hash just confirms that you downloaded the same file the tracker claims to have on its network.

I wouldn't, but you could try flooding the eDonkey network with multiple fake images that contain the same name, dimensions, etc, but eventually people downloading it will flag it as a fake file and catch on to it, as well as ban your ip form the eDonkey network. Best bet is to add the same image but with the removed content so it continues to circulate the alternate image with the sensitive info removed. Putting a blank, or all black image is just going to get it flagged and removed eventually and the other one to keep circulating, which is not what you want. Flooding the network with multiple alternatives that have the info removed will better the chance of overtaking the other one in popularity.

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amateur porn and exif data should never meet


Also, any thing put on a peer to peer network will never disappear. It's a semi-legitimate way to back stuff up.

GPG encrypt a zip of your essential files, rename it to Britteny_spears_naked_with_Jenifer_Lopez.jpg, stick it on eMule, record the hash. Your data will for ever be backed up and completely secure. Just don't lose your private GPG key lol.

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Basically she needs to move, get a new hair style/color and remember that you only get naked in front of a camera if your happy with that shit being public. Once something is on a p2p network, you have lost all control over that content and its distribution.

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Anyone that uses your picture without your consent, especially in the event of sexual exploitation, should be sued for damages. You would only have to prove some sort of damages as a result of the picture upload, such as harassment, emotional pain and suffering, etc.

Hah, good luck.

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