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good ip[ whois?


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i cant find one i have used google and various other places but i cant find one that will actuly give me a name or anything like that all they would give me are the ISP's is there one out there that gives good info?? the main readion i was looking for one is so that i can try and amke one on my site www.utterchaos.fh-net.com so if any of you guys can help that would be awsome

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What is you're after? A name? Of whom? You're not going to be able get the name of the person using the IP unless they actually own the IP, which they probably won't. If you mean the host name you can use the gethostbyaddr function of PHP. If you mean the IP owner information you'll need to connect to the whois server of whoever administers that IP block on port 43 and send the IP followed by a newline then read whatever it sends back. I think you may just be able to use whois.arin.net for any IP and if it's not an IP in ARIN's jurisdiction it'll tell you what server to connect to instead. It just requires a bit of parsing the plain text to get the information into a useable form.

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well i was after a name but not for anyone in perticular i just wanted to beable to do it if some one ended up poissing me off you know.. a while ago someone spammed one of my frineds sites and the site gavethe persons ip and i couldent figur out how to use it so since then iv been looking in to it and so now i mainly want to know how to make it so i can do it from my site

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Geeze, newb, please give google a try first next time:


If you had, you would have seen imediately that there's a few out there, including:



It looks like there's others, but you're going to have to do *some* of the work. ;)

Also, if you view the source of dnsstuff, and play with it a bit, you can get the following HTML out. Put it into a blank module or content page and it should work for you.

<!-- Search Whois -->

<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/whois.ch"><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=ip SIZE=20> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Whois Search"></FORM>

<!-- Search Whois -->

Hope that helps.

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lol i didnt think to pair the search with mambo i was just looking for code... and i was going to look over the code for dnsstuff, i just hadent gotten to it yet and yes that is a huge help thank you

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