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Just got my Joost Beta. It's not much clearer than Flash videos on the web, but the idea of being able to scroll channels on demand through my isp is pretty cool. The only thing it really lacks is some better content. I am using beta version 1.9.20070.62711 and it seems to be streaming really well. Not too long to wait for content to start, and I assume that the more people that use it, the faster the network becomes.

Anyone here using it have any comments on Joost.

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Yeah. There are a few show son there already that I don't get on my local cable, so that was cool, but it lacks rich content.

One of the things I don't like about it is the channels are numbered, but the shows areant, nor are they organized by show. Also, I would like a seperate toggle for "allready played" shows to come off the main list, so if I have already watched everything in a channel, the list will be empty untill there is new content. This way if I want to watch a show again, its in the already played list, and I can drag and drop and make my own play lists, etc.

To me, its nothing more than a menu system for something like YouTube, only instead of user content, its Commercial content. IF youtube had a program liek this that let you go through the entrie site that woudl be really cool, but I still like YouTube better than Joost(so far).

For more TV content I have been using http://www.tv-links.co.uk/index.do/1

Its got tons of shows, and 99% of the links work. Also, its mostly flash based video, so it starts almost right away. Movies, tv, cartoons, etc. It has a lot more content than Joost, partly because they link to other sites that have hosted the content.

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For more TV content I have been using http://www.tv-links.co.uk/index.do/1

It asks for a GUBA account. I wont sign up as it looks shady. not even with sogethis.

I have enver had it prompt me for an account. Maybe one of  the sites they link to requires it, but I have yet to run into a show that asked for a


I just tried it for a show it it played fine. All I did was tell Opera to allow flash and javascript. I block cookies, pop-ups and redirects.

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Don't know if this is new or not, but just found the button to add more channels and content. Bottom left icon to the far left of the search box brings up a menu to add other shows, etc. Still learning the ins and outs, but this makes it a lot better knowing where to go when looking for new channels and content that don't just show up in the "My Channels" panel.

Just added Transformers original cartoons. God, I missed them....

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Has anyone seen a perfomance issue after installing Joost? I notice the prgram is using an average of 500-700 meg or ram during use, and after shutting down Joost the pc seems a little slower(fully exited from joost, not just minimized to the tray). After a reboot everythign seems much snappier, but after a session of Joost, the pc seems to be about 40-50% slower. I have no way to benchmark it, but just from regular use, opeing windows, browser, and surfing, I see a small lag in opening things. Also, Joost seems to not just be a memory hog, but fragments the hell out of my HD.

I am running an Intel 2.6 Dual Core with 1gig ram and 128 ATI graphics card. I haven't tested it yet, but wanted to load it on my laptop for taking on the road this summer from NJ to Florida. My only question is, what kind of performance am I looking at with only 256meg of ram and 64meg video on the lappy. Anyone have an older machine that is running Joost with low specs, like under 512 ram etc.

EDIT: Just found this thread on the Joost forums. Maybe its because I have the latest version and the older one does not exibit this problem


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nope doesnt happen to me and I have been watching  almost 2 hours of joost


I think its your version. Since the latest version people have noticed increased Ram usage and CPU going to almost max. I personally have seen large amounts of memory usage while CPU has been around50-60% depending on what I am doing in Joost as well as other programs. I just got a new 19inch WS HP Monitor and  tried surfing while watching. It then goes to almost 100% cpu and about 650-700meg ram/swap usage(total praograms, but still about 5-600 for Joost alone). If just viewing Joost, it goest between 500-600 ram and about 50-60% CPU with random spikes here and there. It seems to be one of my biggest memory hogs and other than prgorams like Autodesk Combustion which also eats resources, it is probably 2nd in total cpu and memory usage out of all the programs I use.

I think it's not so much what I am doing, but more about how they manage memory. The version I have seems to be pretty liberal at taking everything available and only scales back when I am running other programs but only scales back by a SMALL amount. I have yet to see it below 500meg ram usage other than when no video is playing and it is paused and not at full screen.

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Well, something weird happened. Joost was closed, or at least wasn't showing up in the systray. I notice dit was still running in task manager, so this would explain why my pc was running slower. It seems even though I fully exited the program it actually hadn't closed all the way and was not responding. I eventually killed its process.

The next tiem I traied to open Joost, it would not run, er, when I did, it said not responding in task manager and never showed up on the screen. It began to lock up my pc so I rebooted. On reboot, I then opened Joost again. Now, this time the hard drive sound like it was doing a defrag. Made me a little nervous, but I let it go, waiting for Joost to start. Checked Task Manager and it said t was not responding, but thinking about it I decided to let it finish and see if it would ever come back. After about 10 minutes, Joost opened and then dissapeared. Ok. Now what? Did it crash? It never came up with any errors or crash info, but it was no longer in Task Manager. I then re-opened it and poof, it started. No rhyme or reason, it just opened. But now, the program does not seem to be eating up cpu and memory as much as it was before. Buggy, but its almost as if it fixed itself. It now uses around 200meg of ram and 30% cpu. The hard drive sounds fragmented, but upon checking says I am only 3% fragmented, so Joost is doing some heavy disk swap and not using as much ram as it did before.

I did increase my page file to a total of 3200meg from 2000meg, and was thinking maybe it sees the larger swap space and is now using physical hard drive more vs ram. Not sure how Joost prioritizes memory or even disc caching, but its as if it has fixed itself. Does anyone know if Joost updates itself automatically, like patching itself?

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