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Sun Solaris?


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Just downloaded Solaris 10  and I'm wondering if anyone's used it here? What do you think of it compared to BSD or Linux? Any advice, good guides, books or tutorials you know of? And as a FreeBSD/CentOS user, are there any gotcha's I might run into?  I'm looking at this from the corp. point of view for server/firewall/infrastructure uses, not desktop deployment. I'll be running it on a Win2k3 Enterprise box inside VMware server.

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I've used it, but find it very bulky with the minimum install being very large so in the end didn't play with it that much.

I've recently though received a promotional pack with 3 DVDs of all the latest stuff so I may begin playing with it again.

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I've only dealt with it from the lowly user perspective, and the thing that struck me the most is how limited its stock utilities are.

If you've gotten used to the GNU toolchain you'll soon notice a lot of program options that you consider standard (and typically rather useful) to be missing.

Ludicrous stuff like their version of vi not being able to cope with a large screen, or the default shell being zsh.

All of this can be remedied with the installation of some tools, but since I wasn't an admin, and the admin was happy with the system so I had to blunder about with it to get it to do what I want. I personally don't see the need for Solaris on anything but a SPARC box.

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I do keep wondering about it, it seems to be the buisness when it comes to shifting data around and a lot of places will pay well for people who know how to use it.

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it seems to be the buisness when it comes to shifting data around

And that is very true, particularly on that SPARC hardware. Computationally they're getting their asses whooped by that wretched x86 architecture (hence those Opteron-powered Sun servers) but when all you need to do is move data from point A to point B, or deal with truly staggering amounts of memory or diskspace the tools that Solaris comes with supposedly come into a league of their own.

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15 quid sounds like a steal considering what you're getting. I just doubt you can put a 200 gigger in there, so it might be worth while to get it with an ancient IDE HD that you at least know works.

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