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hay im new here so how about a poem


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hay noticed this site was down for a while and as such i couldnt stalk the forums as usual so i decided to write a poem, yes flame me if you will call me emo or whatever but hay i need to post it, by the way this is my first post so here goes

welcome to our world the world of the penguin and the ram, the window with four pains and the half eaten apple, a place where things are done without a reason just because they can.

im a hacker of all trades but 1337 @ n0n3

im the developer that can't code,

the modder with no paint,

the security expert with a virus,

the web master with no hosting

and the gamer without a pad.

am i a white hat with looses morals or a black hat with a heart,

can i even call myself a hacker, is being a hacker more than just

making a clear side panel for your new case, getting root or making a 360 run Linux, or is it a state of mind.

i read about 17 year old building nuclear fusion reactors and 80 year olds dreaming in java, what's my big hack

here it is for all the world to see the only thing i can hack originally are

these words.

so to all of the n00bs and failed hackers alike this ones for you my life hack.

finally its over

sorry about the spelling mistakes, i know its not great but thanks for reading.

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I don't understand, it doesn't rhyme :cry:

Ironic isn't it? A poem about the lack of 1337ness that doesn't rhyme. It could just be an emotive poem in which we need to see the interpretive dance along with it for it to make any sense at all. :wink:

yes flame me if you will

Were not allowed to flame in here. So, if you want flammage, just repost in the Everything Else board, and we will ;)

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I don't understand, it doesn't rhyme :cry:

Ironic isn't it? A poem about the lack of 1337ness that doesn't rhyme. It could just be an emotive poem in which we need to see the interpretive dance along with it for it to make any sense at all. :wink:

I thought the comment about it not rhyming was a joke, since most people learn peotry doesn't have to rhyme as children. I think I'm yet to see a rhyming haiku.

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I thought the comment about it not rhyming was a joke, since most people learn peotry doesn't have to rhyme as children. I think I'm yet to see a rhyming haiku.

Heh, yes, but unless you're a great poet with layers upon layers of meaning then rhyming's the easiest way to get people to like/remember it ;)

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I thought the comment about it not rhyming was a joke

...mine was too, not necessarily directed at beanfarmer, but toward interpretive dance (who takes interpretive dance seriously anyway (well besides art majors and soccer moms (not that I have anything against art majors and soccer moms))). The poem is nice and I know that not all poetry has to rhyme. geeze. :roll:

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