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hey hak5 dudes and dudettes

im running a IIS server off my current pc

and in the wwwroot folder i created a folder named dl and stuffed it full of stuff

i want the users to be able to access and view all the files in the dir but when i change to that dir Http:ipdl

it says not allowed to view

so what do i do?


i overwrote the index.php with index.html on my website m0u53.com

and now i get the 404 error even when fixed the files back to normal

so again what do i do?

my area of expertese is usally C++ and the Win32 API

some html,CSS,php,a smidge of asp

so yea any help would be awesome

ps....i googleed and googled and googled and all i got was HOST YOUR SITE NOW!!!!111

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i want the users to be able to access and view all the files in the dir but when i change to that dir Http:ipdl

it says not allowed to view

so what do i do?

You need to allow "Directory browsing" for the website. Go into Computer Management -> Services and Applications -> Internet Information Services -> Web Sites -> Right click your site and select Properties -> Home Directory -> Mark of Directory Browsing -> Press Apply, and it works :)

i overwrote the index.php with index.html on my website m0u53.com

and now i get the 404 error even when fixed the files back to normal

so again what do i do?

If you could give us the path to the file on the harddrive and the URL you are accessing, maybe we could find thing wrong with that. Its kind of hard to say with that little info :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is seven years old, but the interesting thing is that its not a pro-MS document, its actually a pretty interesting look at the merits and issues with both MS based systems and *nix based systems.

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lol thanks for all your replies i decided to drop IIS and apache cuz it was lagging me up and you can stream porn with lag :)

and my hostin company 1and1.com decided to switch my root back and forth about 5 times untill i called then and told then to STOP

it was bettween

/ and ws456697user897

and so i just made a .htacces file to always direct to my forums or index.php

so m0u53.com is back online :) if anyone cares

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