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WirelessPowerKamp-2007 (in the Netherlands)


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During the first weekend of June (2007) in Emmer-Compascuum (the Netherlands) (in imitation of WirelessPinksterKamp-2006) the WirelessPowerKamp will take place.

During this evement (1-3 June) there wil beside the already trusted workshops, a WiFi (and PMR-446) antennamessering (on the 2 of Juni (besite WiFi 2,4 Gig antenna's there wil be also WiFi 5 Gig and PMR-446 antenna's testing and messering)) On Sonday (3 Juni) there wil be a (kabel) ballon WiFi/PMR shootout contest.


(we don't have any mountens here in the Netherlands so we have to improvice)

On a place named "de Bult" there will be a (kabel) ballon released, under the ballon there wil be mounted a hardware hackt dscf03113au.jpg

(D-link-DWL900AP+) WiFi accespoint and a hardware hackt


PMR radio (connected to a (Windows) internet Relea systeem).

More info (sorry is in Dutch lang) can be find here http://www.w-p-k.org (or by a direct link http://www.w-p-k.org/wpk-2007/index.php)

I wil try to get someone to shoot some video of this WPK-2007 event, and send it to Darran or Wess



(by the way the PMR-446 hardware hacks and the D-Link DWL-900AP+ hardware hacks for this (kabel) ballon (project) event are being made by one of the WPK team members (Pe2eR))

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In fact de a the WiFi Dlink AP connected to a homemade coax omni and a PMR446 unit wil be hang directly under and on the (kabel) ballon.

En wil be connected and feeded a internet connection and working power (bij homemade POE) by cat5 (2 times +/- 50 meter (one to the Wifi and one to the PMR446unit under need the ballon)) cabel .

The point where this (cabel) ballon is released is the highest point here arond a place named Emmen and thats named "de Bult"in Dutch this point is a round 60 meters above the ground level.

So the (cabel) ballon mounting point of the WIFI ap and the PMR446 unit wil be +/- 100 meters obove the Dutch ground level.

And the planning is that wardrive teams teams wil try to get a fare a way posible connection over the under this (cabel) ballon mounted WiFi acces point and PMR446unit by useing the one Wifi wardrive setups and PMR446 radio's.

(its something like the deafcom WiFi shootout only by the missing of mountens here in the Dutch lanscape just a little bit dif:)

clear a nuf so?



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