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scp device.config root@ (LAN Turtle)

Tim Snyder

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If you have an updated machine, scp should be pre-installed in the command line.

It's insalled on my machine and I don't remember installing any third party tool for scp in command line.

Type "scp" in cmd and see if it finds the command. If not, consider using the options from Jtyle6 

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Here's a couple examples.


Copy file from remote host to local host.

scp [user]@[host]:[path] [path]

Copy file from local host to remote host.

scp [path] [user]@[host]:[path]

Copy file from remote host to remote host.

scp [user]@[host]:[path] [user]@<host>:<path>


Running the command (remote to local).

scp user@ /path/to/save.txt

Running the command (local to remote).

scp /file/to/copy.txt user@

Running the command (remote to remote).

scp user@ user@987.65.43.21:/path/to/save.txt

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