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Locked Out of Nano When EvilPortal is Running (2.7)


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I had everything running fine and then made the mistake of upgrading to 2.7. Now whenever I fire up evil portal, it runs fine, I capture creds, and everything seems to be in order except...I no longer able to access the pineapple via hardwire or wireless to the management interface. No access to the webgui or ssh. Once I pull power and the nano reboots, I can get back in and see the captured creds (which are only found in the PortalAuth Captured Creds and not in the EvilPortal logs?).

I have done my due diligence searching the interwebs/forums and haven't seen anything regarding this. If there is already a post, thread, and/or solution please point me to it. Has anyone else had this issue and have a solution?

For now I am going to downgrade to 2.6.2 to see if things go back to working as desired.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/9/2020 at 6:23 PM, skimpniff said:

For now I am going to downgrade to 2.6.2 to see if things go back to working as desired.

Did it start working again after rolling back the firmware?

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No. I have basically given up on PortalAuth. I haven't had a working version since 2.4.x and the benefits of being on the upgraded firmware outweigh the usefulness of PortalAuth right now. I am running 2.6.1 as it has been the most stable. It would be nice if the module development would resume, but it seems like that ship has sailed as everyone has moved upward and onward. I miss the good ol' days when Darren and company were running shit out of the basement and still had the passion for the projects. I also ant to state for the record that 2.7 is basically unusable for anything worth doing and should be pulled if nobody is going to work out the kinks.

EDIT: Realized the PortalAuth references were not related. Too many hours staring and consoles. Yes, rolling back to a version before 2.7 has fixed all EvilPortal related issues. My apologies @newbi3


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