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Apache (WAMP) Chmod problem

Spartain X

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i have just set up a wamp server using webserev v1.3.0.0 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/webserv/)









and others

the problem is there are many script which require me to chmod a directory too 777 or 755 etc. for example File Upload Manager (http://www.mtnpeak.net/).

i have searched documentation and i have not come across any way's where this can be done i have also tried applying windows security for folder such as applying full control (read-write-execute-delete-etc) to all user a but this still has not allowed the scripts to run, if anyone has any ideas or a solution it would be great


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Actually with NTFS you've got much more control with permissions. I ran into this issue a few years ago doing php development on a windows box with apache. I don't remember the exact settings but the trick was to grant privledges to the IUSR_something account. By default in XP (which I'm assuming you're on) doesnt give you much in the way of permissions in the properties menu, however if you go to tools, folder options, view, and uncheck 'use simple file sharing' you should get more control.

just open the properties menu of a folder and you should have a new tab labeled security. click add, advanced, find now, select the correct account, and you should have the ability to grant modify, read&execute, list folder contents, read, write, special permissions, and full control. if you click the advanced button in that window you'll get even more refined control over permissions, auditing, ownership, and effective permissions.

i'm sure a quick search of the msdn or technet library will turn up a full explination of each setting.

good luck bud.

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Haven't looked at that distribution but if it does everything properly it runs the web server as a different user and if it does you will need to change the rights for that account and not the one you are logged in as. Also, giving each file full access will in most cases not be enough, you will need to give it to the folder.

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