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Make sure you're pressing the button all the way in, it can be a little stubborn. I'd recommend using a pencil to make sure it "clicks" fully. Be careful not to apply too much pressure and push the button off the PCB pads though.


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9 hours ago, thaninph said:

Just received my Pineapple TETRA, unfortunately the reset button doesn't seems to work.When I  restore the device to a factory firmware image(tetra_factory.bin) ,It still firmware 2.0.2


I can upload tetra_factory.bin  and finish. It seems to work normally. But it still is 2.0.2 same.

I want to go back. Previous firmware for test something

Thank you for your help


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root@Pineapple:/tmp# ls
TZ                                     etc                                    moduleDownloaded                       resolv.conf.auto                       sysinfo
boot_ssid_count                        extroot                                moduleInstalled                        run                                    upgrade-1.1.2.bin
button_setup                           hosts                                  overlay                                sess_98f61528f388dfd0b194c026b0ed22c4
dhcp.leases                            lib                                    pineap.log                             shm
dnsmasq.d                              lock                                   recon_data                             spool
empty                                  log                                    resolv.conf                            state

root@Pineapple:/tmp# sysupgrade -n /tmp/upgrade-1.1.2.bin
Invalid sysupgrade file.
Image check 'platform_check_image' failed.

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root@kali:~/Downloads# sha256sum tetra_factory.bin
30fa9e83494593972750a254c706f1be329e4af4265629e1177015b764d27ae6  tetra_factory.bin


root@Pineapple:~# cd /tmp/
root@Pineapple:/tmp# sysupgrade -n /tmp/tetra_factory.bin
Invalid sysupgrade file.
Image check 'platform_check_image' failed.


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