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udisk not mounted !


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When i plug in my BashBunny it wont mount the /dev/nandf partition to the udisk folder on the bunny(as seen through serial connection), so it is empty.

On my host computer it shows the content of the nandf partition fine.

This results in no payloads being executed at all, since the Bash Bunny cant read the payloads!

6 hours ago, wellos said:

When i plug in my BashBunny it wont mount the /dev/nandf partition to the udisk folder on the bunny(as seen through serial connection), so it is empty.

On my host computer it shows the content of the nandf partition fine.

This results in no payloads being executed at all, since the Bash Bunny cant read the payloads!

That's not how it works - when you are connected via arming mode, you won't see the udisk. Execute "udisk mount" to mount it.

12 hours ago, Sebkinne said:

That's not how it works - when you are connected via arming mode, you won't see the udisk. Execute "udisk mount" to mount it.

Well how does it work then ? I mean when i connect the Bash Bunny with switch 1 activated it wont execute an attack, and i thought this is, due to the missing mount to the partition with the payloads on it(/dev/nandf or as i thought udisk).

To ask differently, where does the BashBunny get the switch payload from, if its not the /dev/nandf (or udisk) partition?


To test to see if it is mounting without doing SSH drop a payload.txt into one of the switch folders that contains.




When you plug it in with that switch selected, it should come up as a USB stick (like it was in arming mode).  If that works, payloads are running, udisk is seen by bunny and all is well as far as the mounting goes.  The LED is to let you know the attackmode has been set and will also let you know it ran with a quick blinking green led.

35 minutes ago, wellos said:

Okay i solved it, i just formatted the data partition as fat32 and it somehow worked again...

Serial / SSH in and execute "udisk reformat" to get everything setup properly again.


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