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How do I check to see if there are any updates to the version of linux running on the Packet Squirrel and if there are any, how do I update them ???

I know it is not apt-get because that command doesn't exist.

I assume the command is opkg but when it does download package updates, then how do I know what package name to upgrade?



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1 hour ago, daven2411 said:

How do I check to see if there are any updates to the version of linux running on the Packet Squirrel and if there are any, how do I update them ???

I know it is not apt-get because that command doesn't exist.

I assume the command is opkg but when it does download package updates, then how do I know what package name to upgrade?



With OpenWRT's opkg you can use

opkg update && opkg list-upgradable

HOWEVER updating some of the packages here (mainly kmod's) can sometimes mess up the device. If im being safe I usually let hak5 update the packages via FW updates. But if im feeling adventurous I do it after a backup :) firmware recovery can 'usually' sort you out afterwards.

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