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Bandwidth for Transmit and Receive


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Wondering what the specs are for bandwidth of radios in the Pineapple Tetra. Digital power meters use frequencies somewhere around the 2.4ghz WiFi signals. Curious to see what they say and wondering if the Tetra can be used to listen to them (no way would I try to lower my electric bill...trust me, I'm from the government and I'm here to help) I'm sure they would find little humor if they found someone that was altering what the power meter (gas meters too...some places even water meters)...

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I did even better...I ordered a HackRF One today...that will let me passively monitor all sorts of stuff....of course, pulling all those little radio parts around on a screen will be interesting....thanks for the comment...

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My interests range beyond just an interest in hacking wifi...ham radio and I'll go out looking for causes of interference...having something frequency agile is convenient at times....I don't have a social life, don't play well with others...and mom rarely lets me out of the basement....


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