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is this thing ON


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I have been TRYING one more time to get this PineappleV working before I re arrange it with a hammer :-)  I can't seem to get anything working on it and I would ask some guidance.


1 I hard reset it back to factory default using the dip switch method.

2 I update the os  via a wired internet connection and that seems to go well.

3 I TRY to update the time to EST and it doesn't take. Every time I go back the time resets to the default NOT my change. SO I set it to EST exit the app and go back and it's the default again.

4 I try to install WPS and it's dependencies are REAVER et al. I click on INSTALL TO SD ( which is still the one from HAK5) it says something about a bunny and then nothing. Reaver has a red check by it so I assume it isn't installed. I also tried to install it to internal storage same result.

SO is this thing bricked?  I can't seem to change the time and have it take AND I CAN install infusions BUT the dependencies are not going in?  I tried to look at the infusion log but there is nothing in it? What am I doing wrong



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Not all the infusions will work from the sd card, can't remember if reaver is one of them or not.  You might try installing it from the command line, "opkg install reaver".  I'd also not worry about the time zone.  None of the pineapples have a real time clock anyway, so they never have the correct time.

Edited by barry99705
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1 hour ago, barry99705 said:

Not all the infusions will work from the sd card, can't remember if reaver is one of them or not.  You might try installing it from the command line, "opkg install reaver".  I'd also not worry about the time zone.  None of the pineapples have a real time clock anyway, so they never have the correct time.

thanks Barry great feedback and I was hoping to avoid the cli in 2016 :-)  I was hoping the timezone thing was my imagination but...   thanks again

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On 7/29/2016 at 2:33 PM, sud0nick said:

The problem is no one would search for the wiki.  This has been done.  In fact there is a Pineapple wiki yet we still get tons of people asking the same basic questions about the Pineapple.  There are also stickied posts in various threads that have answers to the most common questions, and there are multiple threads with the same problems listed, yet people just create new threads without even attempting to search.  There is really no point in setting up one more wiki or one more sticky thread when they won't be used and the information is already available/searchable.


6 hours ago, barry99705 said:

The cli is alive and well in 2016!

OH JOY :-) I WAS going to have this thing put into Lucite and hand it out as an annual prize BUT I don't quit that easily.  I'm going to go one more round with it using Kali (which I like) and THIS time hook up the PV properly to my linux box. I loath SSH with a vengeance BUT if that's the way of things so be it. Thanks for all your help and giving me pause for thought with this device.

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