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Karma and Wireshark and GPS


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Hello everyone,

I am trying to capture probe requests for example cell phones. I am using Wifi Pineapple Karma, but I will like to export all the packets captured (MAC addresses) to wireshark for further analysis. I watched this tutorial - https://www.hak5.org/episodes/hak5-1717. But it uses tcdump sending the packets to wireshark. Is there a way not to use tcpdump and export the data directly to wireshark. In addition, I have been going over the forum trying to find how to get the GPS coordinates of the different captured devices using a phone running a GPS app, but so far, I haven't found any information.

Thank you in advance for any tip/input about these issues.



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You could use airodump-ng to log the wireless traffic to textfiles and a pcap. Get your probes from the csv, upload the created pcap to wireshark afterwords. No need for karma tyen.. or do you want to record that behaviour in your capture file?

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Thanks for the response. But if I want to capture all the GPS coordinates from the different probe request coming from different devices, how can I do that. I have been looking into BlueNMEA. Any idea how to connect the two?

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Airodump can use gpsd to log the coordinates in the csv or kismet file. If you have a gpsd capable device you could have everything you need. You could also instruct gpsd to listnen on the bluenmea port. Should work. Never done it, but google for it.. lots of people using tethered gps into kismet etc.

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Logging beacons to a gps location makes more sence than probe requests.  Although nice in some scenarios, if someone was to drive, walk, travel alongside with you for a certain time you would get inacurate data.

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