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Linux is by far my favorite operating system, the more I use it the more I dislike windows. I want to switch all my computers over to Linux, but I am also a PC gamer. I could dual boot but restarting just to play a game is a hassle. I've heard about some virtualization tech that allows for hardware pass through. However every article I've read requires more than one monitor, which is fine for my desktop, but I want to do it on my laptop as well. My question is this, is it possible to run a virtual guest that can use my nvidia graphics card, but doesn't require separate monitors for guest and host?

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You'd lose a crap ton of power trying to game inside a vm. It's just not fast enough.

Depends on what kind of virtualization you would be doing, though the type I'm wanting is host/guest and not hypervisor/guest/guest which in theory would be just as fast as having two machines running the same hardware. The cpu and ram would be plenty because let's be honest linux is nice and lightweight, and some very simple games, like ftl, and terraria work great, granted they also have linux versions that I would rather use. Really the only thing that is lacking from the virtual machine is good access to the graphics card, which is what I'm hoping to find a way to get around right now.

as far as proof that running windows in certain virtual environments doesn't slow down game performance I will reference you to this video--

with these bench marks-- http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/5992909
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Have Windows as a Host for games and such and put Linux in a VM next to it. No virtual machine in its right mind will give you unobstructed access to the graphics adapter. With that in place it would take all of 2 seconds to jump out of the VM which would be a MASSIVE security hole.

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Yeah I could do that, the only reason I was hoping to keep linux as the host is obviously linux takes much less resources to run, so having the windows up all the time would chew some of those (though my desktop has plenty to spare) my laptop I'll probably just keep dual booted as in linux I can shut down my dedicated card whenever I want to save power which is nice when all I'm doing is taking notes.

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My work laptop runs kali native with windows as a vm when needed. When I fire up windows I have to be plugged in, the battery will only last another half hour or so before the warnings start popping up. This is with vmware player. I don't remember why I went to vmware, I think it may have been a usb dongle issue, it's been too long.

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