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What should I Learn ? Where should I start ?


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Hello there,

It's been a while now since i'm following this community .
I'm a student at paris, i just start an IT School without really knowing what job i was going to do.

Today, After many days on this forum and Youtube watching Defcons, 44cons, i'm really sure that I want to be a pentester or a consultant in security.

But now that I know what I want to do, My first problem is my lack of knowledge.

I Don't want to buy a Wifi Pineapple, or a rubber ducky, which is surely easy to use without knowledge,with or without tuto on youtube, and be like "I have no idea what I'm doing and how it's working".

Messing around with SQL Injection and wifi cracking, bruteforcing stuff and all, wasn't enough to learn something, I was mostly like a script kiddie and I really want to change that, i have so much to learn.

I dont want to be a "kid running around with a set of point and click tools to wreck any piece of electrical equipment they come across. It's not funny, it's not clever."

So that's why I m here for, asking you guys some advice on what should I learn first.

Actually I'm learning Python, C++, and Ruby and some CCNA stuff.

Next Week I'll Have to choose between 2 option in my school, the first one is "developper sepc". the other one is "Network spec".
What do you think ? Should I choose Network knowing that developping is more likely easy to learn on internet ? or should I choose "developper" ?

I mean, I'm not expecting a straight answer , I was just wondering wich option is better for a wannabe security enginer?

So That's it,

Thanks !! Looking forward for your answers :)


Edited by JoeChip
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My advice to you would be to set up your own security/pentesting lab. Try a few things and see what interests you more.

The problem with your question is that there is no "better" one. All there is is the "better for you" one, and the only judge for that is that person you see in the mirror.

You already know (some) code. Think you can manage to become proficient (note: not expert, just good enough to understand what's happening and maybe tweak a few things) without a special course? Then I think you'll work out the dev side of things on your own just fine and might be better off doing the networking course.

The main thing that you should discover is which one of those courses will help you the best in doing the thing you love. This is important - you're training yourself for something you're going to end up doing 40 hours of every week for at least a number of years. If your heart's not into it, you won't last and you've wasted everybody's time, most importantly your own.

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Choose what's best for your future plans.

Basic understanding of programming ain't wrong, but it is optional.

It's more important to know how the system works you're working on or targetting.

PS. The rubber ducky only executes YOUR work. No payload- dead duck.

Edited by Broti
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Thanks cooper !

Yeah sure I think I could manage to become operational without special learning in coding.

Thanks for your advice, I've never seen that in this perspective, the networking course will definetly be the best in doing what i love.
I can't really say that "I love" that since i'm just a student, but it's by far the most intersting part of what I know of the IT world, so yeah I might be loving this.

Thanks again Cooper. Really wise advices.

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Hi Broti,

My futur plans is to do this degree, it's the only one in Europe , it's a Licence Pro CDAISI (Cyber Defense Anti intrusion System d' Information in french).

It's Really Large, like you said it's more about knowing all kind of systems.

but do you really think that Basic understanding of programming is optional ?

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