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rapsberry Pi with Wifi Pineapple rigg


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im working on a rig to use on my security demonstrations

without having to drag my laptop to every customer...

my thaugths are:

Internett -> pineapple wlan1 pineapple wlan0 -> phone

pineapple eth0



Raspberry pi eth0

So i want to ssh from my phone to the raspberry running linux...

This is possible because eth0 and wlan0 by deafult is bridged..

So hurray!...

Problem is from there...

If i set up a honeypot i cant get internet from wlan1...

It only provides internet to wlan0...

I could connect the rasoberry trough my wirelescard and in on the wlan0

but its awfully inconvineent, and does only solve the problems of using

updates, metaploit, nmap and so on....

What i need is a way to get the wlan1 to share its connectin to eth0 and

at the same time be able to ssh to the rasberry pi...

Anyone have a sugestion, ore have done this in the past?...

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