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Alfa/awus036h driver error with VMware. Kali linux. Plz help.


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I am having trouble with VMware. I thought i could ask some of you experts in here...

I start up VMware, but when i try to disconnect/connect into VMware i get this driver error.

I searched google and i have this issue.


I get this error at the bottom in yellow like this one had:


Im running VMware 11. And win7 x64.

Any ideas? What could be wrong? How do i fix it?

Thanks in advance!

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The part in the drop down that says "Connect(Disconnect from host)". Click that. Then try again. You need to "pass" the usb card to the VM. Right now, the host system, is using it. You need to make it so it disconnects from the host, and passes over to the guest system, or VM. Also, sometimes helps if you have VMtools installed, or just use a pre-built VM and download with it already setup but Vmtools will not prevent you from being able to use USB connected devices, but will give you better mouse, keyboard, video/monitor and network support.

Edited by digip
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The part in the drop down that says "Connect(Disconnect from host)". Click that. Then try again. You need to "pass" the usb card to the VM. Right now, the host system, is using it. You need to make it so it disconnects from the host, and passes over to the guest system, or VM. Also, sometimes helps if you have VMtools installed, or just use a pre-built VM and download with it already setup but Vmtools will not prevent you from being able to use USB connected devices, but will give you better mouse, keyboard, video/monitor and network support.

yeah, thanks for your answer. But the thing is, when i click that... After i click i wait and after a few seconds that yellow error comes up at the bottom right corner. Driver error.

Thats the thing...

Like from this link:


But with my card name and all. But driver error. I got VMware tools installed. I Also downloaded kali linux vmware files a while back...

So i really dont know why this error occours..

Thanks for your answer anyways.

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Make sure the VM is off. Remove the card from the host, start the VM, re-insert the card once the OS in the VM is fully loaded.

Thanks. But i have already tried that...

I also tried to uninstall and reinstall my win7 drivers, but that did not help either.

Wierd issue. Might be a VMware issue... Dunno..

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Is the "VMware USB Arbitration Service" running?

Did you consider using VirtualBox instead?

Edit: The only other suggestion I find is that VMWare on Windows expects the Windows USB drivers. Are you by any chance using motherboard vendor-supplied USB drivers?

Edited by Cooper
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Is the "VMware USB Arbitration Service" running?

Did you consider using VirtualBox instead?

Edit: The only other suggestion I find is that VMWare on Windows expects the Windows USB drivers. Are you by any chance using motherboard vendor-supplied USB drivers?

Agree;) Sometimes computers are too much;)

Thanks for the answer.

I think my VMware USB Arbitration Service is running. Yes. Fresh install with VMware. Should be all good. (Did a fast google on it.)

Im thinking about Virtualbox right now. After reading this:


About the usb drivers. Here is a screenshot:



But i thought kali supported usb 3.0, etc etc..

I might have to uninstall my usb drivers and then install them again... But thats a hassle, or how you write in english. Seems unnecessary..

Virtualbox might be a better option if that will work. Will try it out. Have always used VMware before, but it was a long time since i played around with it now.. Or with my exterrnal wireless card that is..

Im not that good with computers. I know a bit, but still learning. Gonna try virtualbox instead in the meanwhile..

Thanks for the help.

Edited by afx3d
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The drivers for the wifi card, aren't installed in windows 7 to make it work in the VM so much as to make it work in windows, so I would think that driver error is windows related more than a Kali issue. The VM is its own autonomous system. That said, any other error from the windows side, to me, would indicate something in your install of VMware, services needed to run it, and drivers for Vmware(not so much the NIC being passed) has an issue somewhere with your hosts USB hardware of the PC, its settings in the host systems bios possibly, or, bad USB port or fried NIC(I fried a Linksys USB NIC once, and would cause all kinds of errors until it eventually stopped working altogether - in other words, the NIC may be damaged or bad). Kali will throw its own errors if not supported once it sees it, and that will show like you would see from a terminal on a native install.

To rule out the card being bad, boot of a live disc of kali and test the NIC, or use the NIC on another computer without trying to use it in a VM.

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The drivers for the wifi card, aren't installed in windows 7 to make it work in the VM so much as to make it work in windows, so I would think that driver error is windows related more than a Kali issue. The VM is its own autonomous system. That said, any other error from the windows side, to me, would indicate something in your install of VMware, services needed to run it, and drivers for Vmware(not so much the NIC being passed) has an issue somewhere with your hosts USB hardware of the PC, its settings in the host systems bios possibly, or, bad USB port or fried NIC(I fried a Linksys USB NIC once, and would cause all kinds of errors until it eventually stopped working altogether - in other words, the NIC may be damaged or bad). Kali will throw its own errors if not supported once it sees it, and that will show like you would see from a terminal on a native install.

To rule out the card being bad, boot of a live disc of kali and test the NIC, or use the NIC on another computer without trying to use it in a VM.


One thought i had was that i think i might have changed the cable to this card a while back, with allot of other cables i had laying around. And that might glitch... It blinks irregular sometimes..

But while connecting in windows it pretty much works... (Just a speculation.)

I can connect, check access points, etc.. In win7.

Right now im trying to install kali in virtualbox and set up. But i prefeer VMware, if i would get that to work later on.

I can try and boot from a live disc and check if the card works in kali. Good idea...

I bet it will work. I can try it later on. And if it works, i can get VMware to work later on. And i dont have to rush anything.. I can fix this another day.



After installing kali on Virtualbox, and updated and upgrated kali and all. First time i ever used Virtualbox. But the card worked right away ;) Sweet.

Now im all setup. Gonna continue tomorrow. Virtualbox seems like a pretty good VM.

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Unnecessary bump. But Virtualbox seems good. But its really slow on my machine. Gonna try to speed it up later on.

Vmware is the best VM in my opinion.

I will just use that machine for wireless card and my VMware machine for other stuff...

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I'm using VirtualBox exclusively these days after moving away from VMWare in the Workstation 7 days due to me simply not needing it anymore at that time and later, when I needed it once again my employer required me to jump through all sorts of bureaucratic hoops to get them to pay the license fee. For my purposes, VirtualBox was sufficient.

In my experience, VirtualBox requires less memory and seems less intrusive to the host OS. Distro integration is also better although under Gentoo at the time at least VMWare was also pretty well integrated. Performance for both is at least in the 'good enough' region. I haven't run them side-by-side to make a real comparison and it's never as good as native but the performance hit you incur as a result of going with a virtual machine I'd consider about 10% or less. I do recommend you install that tools thing (their version of vmware-tools) as it makes quite a difference.

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