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[Release] 1.3.0 - Codename: Salmonosaurus


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  • 2 weeks later...

I flashed my Pineapple tonight, and reset the Password, and reconnected. That's where I end with the update. The only thing that displays is the system status message:

01:31:25 up 13 min, load average: 0.07, 0.10, 0.11

There are no messages, not installations. Nothing. What next?

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Thanks, 1.3.0 seems to have solved a bit of a bug with Karma I'd been experiencing. Very smooth flash.

@SixKids "The only thing that displays is the system status message:"

​I experienced this too, briefly. and logged out logged back in refreshed two times and it now loads, but I'm using Firefox. Other browsers were buggy for me, as well.

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Well, ain't that a kick in the head?

​I experienced this too, briefly. and logged out logged back in refreshed two times and it now loads, but I'm using Firefox. Other browsers were buggy for me, as well.

So, the $64.00 question would appear to be, why does Chrome work, and Iceweasel (aka, Firefox on Kali Linux) not work?

I agree the Update was smooth, but breaking firefox was not in my plans.


BTW, Chrome is working. Can I get back my Firefox Browser?

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Not sure. Strange. I use Firefox as my primary log in for the web ui. Since the firmware upgrade, I haven't experienced any more glitchy-ness. Maybe using Firefox was causing me the "headaches". So far, it's running fine for me on Mozilla. Post edit: Just set it up on Kali and seems to be running alright on Iceweasel. It didn't recognize the sd (not a class 10 though) card infusions stored on it, until I rebooted it. Tried the new Experimental reformat and it still retained orphaned infusions.

Edited by Phobic81
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