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fcc rules for cable tv in mdu.


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I am back on this rant why are there rules to who owns inside wiring of buildings? Is this why I cant get a real cable company/isp in my apartment. I also had this problem when I lived in a lennar community in 2002. Everyone in my county has comcast we have inc group. Maybe there is something about lower income people living in apartments and condos. My theory is there is a the housing market went south these companies are cashing in. Okay back on topic can they force me to use their lousy cable provider. Why do they do this.

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Where I live, other than dial up, Comcast was the only option available at the time. Because its an apartment, we're not allowed to have things like a satellite or Dish network install anything on the outside of our building. However, a few years ago, Verizon struck a deal with the apartment complex, to pre-wire every apartment for Fios, at no cost to the apartment complex. In doing so, we now have the option to choose between Comcast and Fios. I found that Comcast, as crappy as their customer service can be at times, their service and internet speeds have been higher and less expensive than what Fios offered.

You best bet, get other people in the apartment building, to request something like Fios, and either contact and see if you can get Fios/Verizon, or ask the apartment complex, maybe via neighbor petition, to ask about alternatives such as Fios, which if they look into it, Verizon may pre-wire their complex for free like they did all of our apartments. We actually didn't have a choice. We had to make available our apartment, for the Verizon people to enter, to drill holes in the hall closets to run tubing between up and downstairs apartments(only two story building) but many people switched to fios afterwards. I personally like my Comcast connection better, but I pay for 55mbit speeds, and have a Docsis 3.0, self owned modem, which gives me reliable speeds other than when Comcast* has bricked previous modems in the past(and no, they won't pay for a new one, and yes, all providers have access from the CMTS side, to flash and update your modem and is part of your agreement with them, including any television and cable cards for your pc - read the fine print).

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