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Question regarding RED HAT Installation on windows 7

Skorpinok Rover

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I would like to install Red Hat Linux on my windows 7 Dell XPS by completly wiping out original windows, & then is it possible to install virtualbox so that i can run kali linux ? seems werid in my opinion but i want to try something new for a change. what are your suggestions ? or which is better linux distro that i can use it as main O.S for windows ?



Edited by Skorpinok W7PC
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Ok, If i think you mean. You want to reinstall your laptop with a linux host system. To run virutalbox. And on that you want to run win7 and kali as VM's ?

If so. Yes thats possible. But i would got for centos/fedora insted of red hat. ( those are based of red hat, red hat normaly asks money for support )

2nd make sure you got drivers for it. It sometimes can be a hell to get drivers to work under linux.

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Why not install Kali as a host OS and Red Hat and Win7 in a VM?

Kali is a penetration testing distro, many won't install as primary O.S because of many reasons which i think you know better. red is just coz i want a linux o.s as my main O.S, & oh yeah Red Hat is not free, so am switching to linux mint debian edition.

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I am a fan of mint myself but if you do want red hat the next red hat release is actually going to be based off of the newest Fedora release so you might want to look into that :D

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Kali is a penetration testing distro, many won't install as primary O.S because of many reasons which i think you know better. red is just coz i want a linux o.s as my main O.S, & oh yeah Red Hat is not free, so am switching to linux mint debian edition.

I am a big fan of mint myself, i highley recommend it.

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Fedora is more or less the free version of Redhat, just bloated with all the miltimedia extras. Red Hat is more lean, Fedora, more user desktop, mainstream, like uBuntu, mint, etc. Right now I have edubuntu at home for the kids on an old quad core and works pretty well, but would go full uBuntu if installing VM's and want more compatibility with hardware, although not fond of unity that much, and even though I do like gnome, I still like KDE for stability as my desktop environment vs the light weight options in some other distros.

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Fedora is more or less the free version of Redhat, just bloated with all the miltimedia extras. Red Hat is more lean, Fedora, more user desktop, mainstream, like uBuntu, mint, etc. Right now I have edubuntu at home for the kids on an old quad core and works pretty well, but would go full uBuntu if installing VM's and want more compatibility with hardware, although not fond of unity that much, and even though I do like gnome, I still like KDE for stability as my desktop environment vs the light weight options in some other distros.

Thanks..Booted kali Linux on live cd to see if windows wireless drivers will work or not, great the debian based kali catches wifi & gets connected in seconds, did same with openSUSE no problem at all. i would use my smartphones internet sharing/ Tethering for Kali if wanna use it on remote locations.. all these are just experiment, playing around to see what happens for fun or some serious business.. they say that fedora has problem with updates i donno yet, will try it on live cd..

Edited by Skorpinok W7PC
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