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Data Mining Tools


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Got a question for you all. I'm wondering if you know of any good datamining tools that I can use on a web page. Namely, yes, facebook. A good buddy of mine is getting in a lot of trouble because someone made a fake account with his name, and is basically ruining his good name with it. I'm just trying to find out where they're logging in from to get a better idea of who it could be. Any other info I can find with this account is a bonus. I'm not trying to "hack their fb" or anything like that, I'm just curious as to what info I can find so I can help my buddy out. Thank you in advance, and sorry for being a complete noob.

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If the account is fake, and purposely meant to defame someone, contact facebook abuse department with proof, or have a lawyer contact facebook for the info. Thats the best course of action and probably the only chance of getting the page shut down. Most likely, facebook won't do anything without proof or court order to investigate. As for datamining, there are plenty of tools, but if you can login to another facebook account and befriend the fake account, that would be much easier than trying to work around private profiles or such. Look into OSINT tools like Maltego and just google osint in general for other tools.

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As much as I would like to tell you "do this and this"... I am kind of weary on the circumstances. I am pissed at my landlord right now. I think you may just want to have your buddy go ahead and create a new account or just have him tell all of his friends that someone is forging a second "troll" account under his name.

Sorry for not really helping ya out, but you have an ethical conundrum; help your friend on FB and face federal time in prison; or follow my advice and have em create a second account... make it his gamertag or something if he has one. Then, no drama, no issues, and the troll will get bored or forge a second account. That would show that it is someone you know.

I was too slow... Digip... :)

Edited by Pwnd2Pwnr
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I understand completely about the ethics. The intent is not to cause any harm or anything bad to whoever made the fake account, but simply find out where the user is. I'll talk to the person, see if we can get legal involved in this. I'm not trying to "hack facebook" or anything crazy like that. I'm just trying to learn about datamining tools, learn about what kind of info is out there in posts. In regards to legal action, what kind of legal action can be taken against the person who made the account. From what I understand, the person is defaming. Also, and here's the crazy part, there's a good chance that UCMJ action can be involved.

Just to clarify, the UCMJ is only if he chooses to persue legal action.

Edited by Random_N00b
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Facebook's TOS is a great place to start. If the guy has no other business besides "defamation" or "defaming" one; it is a clear violation. Depending on the severity; this could lead to a law suit. Digip is right. If this punk-ass is going ahead and making a secondary facebook to troll; then your buddy needs to contact FB. Keep a record of EVERYTHING the person has done... as well as anything else that may occur in the future.

Are you located at a military base? If you are; then that may just be the case. I do not know the UCMJ's handling of the given matter; but if one were to "defame" Staff Captain Jones online... I am sure there would be a hearing about it.

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As far as the UCMJ action is concerned, it's really hard to say. A number of people have reported the account as false. The person who is being impersonated and defamed is US Military, which is why I want to try and help him. I'll pass the information along to him, and advise him to contact his legal office. From what I've heard, the person who is being impersonated is getting in some pretty serious trouble because of this. I just wish I could help him more.

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I wasn't even concerned with the ethics standpoint, as much as the fact that facebook probably won't do a whole lot without some proof or legal action. Reason I said create another account and befriend them, helps gather more intel on the supposed fraudsters posing as your friend since most profiles only show a little data, but more to logged in users and even more to friends of said user, so getting them to friend you helps gather more info on what they are doing, being able to copy and paste from their page text they may write or things they say. Facebook is a walled garden, and while you can glean some info from the web for the most part, much of the data requires you to be 1, logged into their system to see some of it or 2, a friend of the person in question, to see some of what they can make private to non-friends on facebook. Also, contacting facebook about the incident, they might ask for proof which is why a lawyer with paperwork can help expedite the shutdown of the page. Either that, or if you know who the person is that is doing it, drive over to their place and just kick them square in the nuts until they tell you the password....lol Roshambo anyone?

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