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Credits go out to the community and Whistle Master:-)

Allows you to maintain a list of MAC addresses and SSID's for black and white listing.

options to autostart.

when blacklisting macs It also goes one step further and dissociates that mac as well instantly bumping them off;-)

SSID's can also be white listed, when in white listing mode only those ssid's in the list can connect

NOTE: the default ssid "pineapple" is not affected by blacklisting/whitelisting

Known Issue:

When black or white listing ssid's having multiple ssids that are spelt similar can cause some issues when undoing/removing from the list IE if thisIsATest and thisIsATestTwo are both in the list and you undo/remove thisIsATestTwo thisIsATest could be removed if it comes before the other. this seems to be a problem with how karma handles the command to remove ssid's

Edited by petertfm
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Badass petertfm! Can't wait to see it in action!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi. Noob here. Picked up Jasager at Defcon. I've been adding SSID as well as MAC's to whitelist/blacklist, but I was wondering if there is a way to pull up a list of SSID/MAC I've added so far. Alternatively, if there a .conf file I can open and directly edit? I just can't seem to find it. Thanks. Sorry if this was answered elsewhere, but my googlefu was weak today.

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Hi. Noob here. Picked up Jasager at Defcon. I've been adding SSID as well as MAC's to whitelist/blacklist, but I was wondering if there is a way to pull up a list of SSID/MAC I've added so far. Alternatively, if there a .conf file I can open and directly edit? I just can't seem to find it. Thanks. Sorry if this was answered elsewhere, but my googlefu was weak today.

the module shows you what is added/currently black or white listed.

you could edit the file directly but why not do that in the module? when you save the list it shows you where the file lives at the top.

but adding to that list does not black or white, you have to press the button to do that and or autostart

as well editing a file with a list of ssid's or mac's will not actually black or white list them, the module exists because there is more to it than adding names to a file.

I hope this helps explain

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  • 11 months later...

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