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Little Issue , Mk3 + Bt5 + Port Forwarding Using Iptables


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This is what I would use to say forward all port 80 to a listening SSLStrip on 31337

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination

I would suggest getting the wp3.sh from the wiki quick start (wget wifipineapple.com/wp3.sh) and then do your custom forward to say a listening proxy like sslstrip if you need to. Otherwise all traffic will be passed through and off to the internet.

Edited by Mr-Protocol
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What about after??? How would you refresh the IPTABLES back to "normal" after running SSLStrip and editing the IPTABLES? Just run the wp3.sh script again? Or is there a one liner that will reset BTR1 back to it's default state (which would be preferred).

That rule needs something listening (sslstrip in that case).

It's been a little time since i've played with IPTables, but why the need for this specific rule of forwarding one port to another locally to another program?

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What about after??? How would you refresh the IPTABLES back to "normal" after running SSLStrip and editing the IPTABLES? Just run the wp3.sh script again? Or is there a one liner that will reset BTR1 back to it's default state (which would be preferred).

reboot the machine or run iptables -F to flush the settings.

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Ok so replying to myself


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 31337

And it works ..

My original was

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 31337

note the difference ...

Anyway ... it works now


I'm sure we have all done this from time to time, I know I have :) glad you got it working!

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