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How Does The Wifi Pineapple Work

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Hi. I am new to all this, I might be doing something wrong, but is this not how the wifi pineapple should work?:

I turned on karma:


Now I have setup an access point called AndroidAP, So I Connect to AndroidAP, and check the box "Connect Automaticlly"


Now I shutdown my computer, and I also shutdown my access point "AndroidAP"

Now I guess what should happens:

The router is looking for AndroidAP, but can't find it, instead "internet" the wifi pineapple, should say, I can get you ON!

AM i totally wrong or?

instead when I restart my computer, it just shows all connections, and does not connect to "internet" the wifi pineapple.


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sorry im such a noob :)

it actually does work, it spoofs the ssid name, I though you could see it would connect to the pineapple called "internet" but it fakes the ssid :)

I want to setup dns spoofing, will i need internet sharing/access for that?

as default it says: example.com

but nothing happens when i go to example.com, I guess it's because I haven't setup internet on the pineapple, so it can't find any dns server?

Edited by spymare
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